I was wondering how to name my lizards, i have the old book which has the page on it but it isnt that great for choice. I have googled around but cant find anything to use. I want them to have meaning so i generators arent that good. Does anyone know a language that translates to sound lizardmeny. Cheers
Yea olde name generator. http://web.archive.org/web/20051212...rhammer/lizardmen/extras/name_gen/default.htm
There was a good write upon one of the old TPV forums. Here it is: http://z1.invisionfree.com/Thee_Forsaken_One/index.php?showtopic=5812 Looks like the old TPV site is still on the internet, although TPV2 is gone forever, I think. Who knows how much longer all this wisdom from days of ol' (6th & 7th Edition) will still be around.
Yea I got a copy of that around here somewhere, in a thread called "High Saurian" Edit: ahh here it is. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/high-saurian.8006/ had it stickied in the fluff section. I tried to salvage what I could from the last TPV page.
Ah, did not know! I think a lot of that write up was based on 5th and 6th Ed. books that included some of that information in the fluff section.