Hi all, I'm starting to build a Lizardmen army and I want to limit myself to using 5th edition miniatures as much as possible. Now, the rules change along with some miniatures between editions, wich can be problematic, if you want to stick with using the old minis. The Slann is a prime exemple of that, it used to be pretty massive, being born aloft on is palanquin by 4 Temple Guards. Nowadays, the Slann is designed to be able to rank inside a unit on his 50mm base, that doesn't work so well with the old one. I know some people just detach the Temple Guards completely from the palanquin and stick it on a stick, but I don't think this looks too good and I would very much want to keep the palanquin's bearers. My big problem is that right now, most of my future force is in the mail, so I can't conduct experiments to find an alternative to the stick. From looking at pictures, I think it would be possible to glue the whole model on a 50mm base, but then I'm afraid it will be imposible to rank up the model in a unit of temple guards. Now, I'm guessing I'm not the first one to have this problem, so I would be gratefull if someone could provide me with a solution, or just confirm that the 50mm would, or would not work. Thanks!!
make your own 75x50 base (glue other bases together and use GS for example) and put the old slann on that. this will count as a 50x50 base with a slann, and a 25x50 unit filler for two TG. you even have the TG models there to represent. To avoid any confusion with templates and such, you should some how mark where the slann actually is on the base, for example with some cool ruinous terrain, or a snake on the ground to represent the line between slann and TG. depending if you run your TG 5 wide, this will even look better than a modern slann, since he will be in the center of the unit (though i always prefer to have the unit 6 guys wide).
That's a neat idea. Shows you how long it has been since I played Fantasy, I didn't even think of unit fillers. The problem however, as you stated, is that TGs are somewhat nicer 6 wide.
i have replaced the arm with which the TG are carrying the slann with left over arms from the plastic saurus kit. And am going to change the slann into a seperate hoovering on, although i still need to work out how i am going to do that exactly. There are a few nice examples on here some where. like this thread: http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3645