I just bought 12 Kroxigors on e-bay bringing my total up to 19. So pretending I get them assembled reaonably quickly. What would be the best way to use them in a friendly game. I know a Kroxigor horde probably isn't optimal. If I'm set on a Kroxigor horde, what are the best units to put with them? 2500 is my current normal but I'm transitioning to 2750. Either way that's most of the Special alotment so I'm figuring a lone Slann. What lore should he take? Will Saurus work okay (I don't have enough Kroxigors for a horde of Krox and supporting Krox)? I'm more likely to try this crazy set up versus dwarves than anything else. I also don't want to rule out an 19 Kroxigor army sans Horde. So maybe two groups of six and two Skrox blocks with three and one with one? Anyone try anything like this?
I have never fielded a Kroxigor unit alone. I always take skrox units. For about a year, I ran skrox units only supported by TG with a slann. I would take huge units of skrox. Usually about 55-65 skinks and 3 to 4 kroxigors in horde formation. It was quite funny watching my opponents run from that unit. I would usually take lore of Light with the slann to use birona's timewarp to buff the movement to get charges witht he skrox unit. It was awesome.
19, NICE! Horde krox with out lore of life is DOOOOMED! Just kidding. Life to rebuild the units or Light to make them fly. I like the idea of two horded skrox units. Maybe with a couple of Krox "busses", say 2x2, zipping up for flank charges. That way you still fill your core points and use 16-18 krox to boot!
Holy cow, I'm jealous! Hopefully with the new 3 pack I can build up my Krox count a little faster. I'd love to have that option. I only have 6. If you had little "busses" of 4 (in 2x2) all over the place it would be terrifying for your opponent --> "There are too many to avoid!" Lol Building from Shogun's idea, you could do: 1 x 36 Skinks + 3 Krox + FC 1 x 44 Skinks + 4 Krox + FC 3 x 4 Krox That's a pretty mean base army to build around. Pegs you in at 1489. The spare skinks will give your two skrox units some staying power. Not to mention you'll be running a fast army, so flank charges should be a dime a dozen. At 2500 that gives enough for a Slann, some skirmishers, a couple heroes, or maybe even some TG if you want to keep with the high strength scheme. You should post of pic of your Krox when they are all complete.
I got two basic list ideas. First for mostly comedy I'm going to try a lone Light Slann, two blocks of Saurus and a horde of 19 Kroxigor. Second for a slightly more serious list I'm going to try a Fast attack army against my dwarf friend who loads up on anti-magic. A single Scar Veteran as my sole character. I figure two 24/3 Skrox, 1 11/1 Skrox. Two groups of 6 Kroxigor, two ancient Steggies, and around 15 Cold One Riders. That'll use all 19 Kroxigor without any one unit being especially insane. I'll post the pictures if I ever get that far but I assemble and paint things at a snail's pace.
I'm especially interested in hearing about your how your Krox horde does. i might have to proxy that one my self....
I have been playing ogres since 8th came out so I am going to say run them in 2 units of 8 (4 wide and 2 deep) and use the leftovers for a skrox unit, or run two blocks of 9 3x3. The problem with mosterous infantry hordes is that they are hard to maneuver, and either they get charged two turns in a row becuase there is room, or they get the charge off and only have 4 guys in contact to fight anyway. The mobility of a pair of 9 man krox units is ging to be awesome and as flanking support for a big block of saurus they will be devastating.
WOW, some one has more kroxes then me (15 currently) !!! I use them in most of my games, 2x6 and light slan, is the best way to get the most out of them. I'm currently back to my first love Druchii, but as soon as the ETC is over it's krox time, just so I can win a few tournament's .
I wanted to through this out there for an unfriendly game. If you made a horde Skrox unit you would get 36 S6 attacked with skinks for cushions if you found something wide enough to attack. 12 skinks 6 Krox 6 Krox 84 skinks behind them. Would be a sick unit But mean as hell.
It is about 50/50 with me the way I run mine. But I do like the 4x4 unit of 8 Krox. They are fast, hit hard, can take a punch or two and can be great for running up a flank and creating some havoc. Real problem is they are expensive and have no banner, so if they get charged they are already losing by 2.