8th Ed. I feel like my friend is making up rules.

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by DanBot, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    My friend just told me another insane rule I think. (The same friend that told me that non sense about the lore masters and spell picking if you saw that thread.) Anyway, he told me that you can base anything on any base size. For example, since the Daemon Prince is not a large target, but you can shoot at him with the true sight rule, his way around this was to make a Daemon Prince out of a blood letter or something and base him on a 25mm. His justification for this is that in the rule book it says to put them on an appropriate base size, but doesn't give any more detail than that. This is just a hypothetical thing. He is not actually going to take it to that kind of extreme level ever. I wouldn't play with him if he was that crazy. But he says it is within the rules to do that. I find that hard to believe. Though for models like tetto'eko that can be on a 40 or 50mm. I'm not quite sure what the rules mean by appropriate.
    A little less of an extreme example of this; I just saw the army of another Lizardmen player in our gaming group. And he had put a skink priest on a 25mm base and ranked him up with the saurus. I was under the impression that if a skink joined a saurus unit, he would have to rank up along side the block like a hero on a cavalry base would. Me and my friend had had our daemon prince conversation before I saw his army. So since I was unsure I didn't say anything. Though I was once told that the only two things that matter about models was the base size had to be correct and the model had to be 75% games workshop model.
  2. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    You can't put a Daemon Prince on a 25mm base. Dude is on crazy pills.

    You can stick a Priest in a unit of Saurus no problems. Dunno why, they sorta function better hiding behind the blocks and not dying pointless in close-combat (thats what your Saurus do).
  3. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    See page 80 of the CRB under models and base size. Models should be mounted on the base they are supplied with or, failing that, on a base of an appropriate size. With that in mind, IIRC the daemon prince comes with a 50mm base and a skink priest a 20mm base so those are the bases that must be used. For models that do not come with a base such as new units that do not yet have a model by GW, use examples of other models of the same type. As an example, if the new vamp crypt horrors did not have a model, one would look at other types of monstrous infantry and use the same, 40mm base to model anything that was created.
  4. theodoris
    Cold One

    theodoris Member

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    maybe i`m wrong but in the BrB p 98 it say`s:
    "When Footprints colide"
    if the character`s foot prints does not fir neatly into the unit, place him on the edge of the unit.
    This means your skink priest can join the saurus unit, but it will be at the side of the unit like in the example picture.
    And you alway`s put your model on the base that it was bought with.
  5. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Thank you guys. That's what I thought. But he is filling my head with crazy things. Insane stuff. I swear. Oh, do you get a look out sir roll for a bolt thrower shot or targeting spells? It says only templates in the book. And the 4+ or 3+ when shooting at a lone hero within 6 or 8 of infintry. So a bolt thrower is shooting. So do they at least get the 3 or 4+ as a lone hero? Do they get the 3/4+ in the unit?
  6. theodoris
    Cold One

    theodoris Member

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    when you are 3" away from a unit that has 5 of the same troop type models(not just 5 rank or file models), you get a look out sir rule at 4+.
    BrB p 97(shooting at lone characters)

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