8th Ed. I have the Battalion box.....now what?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Meleemadness, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Meleemadness

    Meleemadness New Member

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    I also have a Saurus Old blood as well.

    I am not sure what to get next to have a capable army up to the 3000 point range.

    I am sure I need a Slann mage priest but that is all I know.

    I do like the big monsters and Krox-gors but don't know if they are any good. I like the Cold One Riders in the battalion box but that is based only off appearances. I like all the dinosaur looking creatures as well, they are the reason I picked this faction (was a toss up between these guys or Beastmen).

    Anyway, I am in some sort of escalation league where our next game will require 750 points. The guy running this campaign has lizzies too and said I could use what he has to expand my army until I buy/paint my own. So, I basically have all the models available.

    Any advice you can provide on what to get to build a capable army able to deal with Mounted Brettonians, Beastmen, High Elves, Ogres and Warriors of Chaos would be greatly appreciated. After the 750 phase I believe we go to 1000 then to 1500 and then 2000 to 2500 and end it at 3000.

  2. goomba

    goomba New Member

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    I would say you are ok without a Slann until 2000pts. and even then only if you like him and want to use it. A pair of skink priests and a bound spell monster like Bastilodon with Solar crystal or Ancient Steg with Engine of the gods should be enough for a while. You can just use the Temple guard on their own as they are pretty decent fighters anyway and you could buy some more later at higher point values when you want to start using a Slann.

    You could get a few more skinks to make a couple units of 10 skirmishers for blocking enemy units and picking off little things with shooting. Once you get over 1500 pts. you could add another Saurus warrior block and just keep fattening them up as needed for points. Add in more skink skirmisher units as you go, I couldn't see you needing more than four units of 10 at 3000 pts.

    Scarvets on colds ones a good choices for all point levels and the cold one riders you have will be plenty up to 3000. 3 kroxigor will be good for a bit then you can boost them up to 6 at 2000 or so and maybe 8 at 3000? Stegadons are great for all the point levels, take as many as you please. Once you feel out your opponents you can try a carnosaur at 1500 or 2000. Warriors of chaos and Bretts have one stone thrower type machine, Ogres have a cannon and Elves have bolt throwers. That's not too bad if you want to bring lots of monsters.
  3. Meleemadness

    Meleemadness New Member

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    I really appreciate the response....I haven't played WFB since 2001 and that was with WOC.

    So, do you recommend skink skirmishers with bowpipes or javelins...maybe a combination?

    Also, think I need any fliers? I like the models!!! One of the Bretonians loves to use his trebuchet in all battles.
  4. goomba

    goomba New Member

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    Probably a good idea to start with one of each, then as you go you can add the ones that fit your playstyle. Blowpipes kinda need to be a tad bit more aggressive to double tap for sixes up close.

    Rippers would be fun in there, against bretts and beastmen you should strike at the same time and against ogres you'll go first although make sure you have a support block against the fatties. Against high elves an chaos they will get smashed however, so maybe try to chase down horsemen and eagles.

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