8th Ed. I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the pace

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Scalenex, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    They seem to be doing at least two 40K new releases for every Fantasy model. Also they seem to be concewntrating on the Forces of Destruction. I like looking at FW but not paying for them. When the Dread Saurian comes out I plan to buy that. If I win the lottery or a surprise windfall I may collect Chaos Dwarfs.

    I wish the regular models looked more like Forge World's work and I wish they were all cheaper. If wishes were fishes I'd have mercury poisoning.
  2. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Re: I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the p

    If GW does any of those things I'll have died and gone to heaven
  3. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    Re: I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the p

    Forgeworld does more 40k stuff because, well, I'm pretty sure that's were they got their start (the bigger problem is that after years and years of nearly nothing but IG tank variants, we're now deep in years and years of mostly space marine gear variants, and God knows how long they'll drag out the Horus Heresy). I do agree that a stronger Warhammer Forge pace would be nice, they focus on FoD because let's face it, only the evil guys get the big scary monsters in Fantasy, and no one really cares for Lizardmen. Not necessarily dislikes, mind, I just get the feeling that it's a minority faction over in Nottingham.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the p

    The new Night Goblin command crew is pretty cool looking. The wider base for the champion seems impractical though since there aren't any rules for a Squig riding champion and it takes up the spots of four Nigh Goblins. Cool lookin filler is great in the back but not the front.


    The Mourngal and Magma Dragon look pretty good but I doubt I'll fork over the dough for a Forgeworld model till they release the Dread Saurian.
  5. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    Re: I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the p

    The squig rider isn't a unit champion - he is a Warboss (Lord) or Big Boss (Hero) riding a Great Cave Squig. There are rules for this in the current O&G Army Book - it is a Monstrous Beast which is only used as a character mount. Riding a GCS is the only way a Lord/Hero can join a unit of Squig Hoppers since they are Obnioxious (I love the names of the O&G Special Rules - the best is "Extra Boingy").

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