After a somewhat unintentional hiatus from Warhammer and from Lustria Online, I'm finally coming back into activity. All it took was one game and I recaught my Warhammer passion. Some of you guys might remember me, but I am seeing a fair bit of new faces. Can anyone fill me in on a little of the things I have missed, both here and in the Warhammer world in general? In addition to me returning, I will be updating the AoD (rolling the dice as soon as I post this), updating my battle report thread, possibly necroing my old painting thread, and rejoining the Lustria RPG. (As well as working on something Warhammer-related on the side). Glad to be back!
Welcome back! Though I'm sure I am a new face to you. Nonetheless, good to see new and former members return.
Welcome back xlcontiqu! How have you been? In general, this place is still just running along smoothly. We have nearly concluded our second painting contest for the year though, this one with prizes from Mantic which is cool!
You're still missing the "c". Must be something with the copy paste. I've been good, some crazy RL stuff has come and gone. Work is keeping me busy, but I start school again in the fall, so I have a break soon. I noticed the painting challenge, I may have to try to whip something up for the next one we have, if I get the time.
Missing the c? I don't know what you are talking about! ... After I typed it, I actually remembered that I used to spell it wrong and scrolled back up to check. I thought it was something to do with the tiqu at the end so that what I looked at closely. Nuts.