8th Ed. Infantry Block Conundrum

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by jayzerus, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. jayzerus

    jayzerus Member

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    Howdy folks,

    I'm working through my Lizardmen list. My current list has the following:

    35x Saurus, Full Command
    10x Skinks, Banner, Musician, 1 Kroxigor
    25x Temple guard, Full command

    I like it because there are two solid blocks, and one support piece. This comes in at 915 points. Alternatively, I've been looking at the following:

    30x Saurus, FC
    16x Skinks, Banner, Musician, 2x Kroxigor
    21x Temple Guard, FC

    This comes in at 884 points. That leaves 30 points for a magic banner on the Temple Guard. I'm concerned because I may be margianalizing the strength of my two main blocks to improve the strength of my support block. Is it worth it? Should I leave my support unit alone, nice and small, maybe underrated / under the radar? Or do I make the change, maybe adding an extra unit that my opponent can't just neglect?

    For reference, the rest of my list:

    Tooled Slann, Lvl 2 Skink on Heavens
    2x10 Skink Skirmishers
    2x5 Cold One Cav
    2x Bastiladons
    1x Ancient Steg
  2. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    What points level do you play at? 2400, 2500?
    I'd find the points for a Scarvet CO GW AoD. will dive your flank/chaff clearing heavy cav some real dmg.
    What lore is your slann on? high you want a bigger TG unit, light i'd want more krox. To the point where the saurus become 24ish and you get a 24/3 skrox unit.
    Do you have a regular opponent? How competitive are you trying to be? is there any comp involved?
    And most important, have you fielded both units before? which one did you enjoy more?
  3. jayzerus

    jayzerus Member

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    I typically play at 2500, though we recently started playing more at 2400 for ETC stuff. I play in the northeast USA, so we have a pretty healthy mix of competitive and relaxed players. Comp tends to be a little on the heavy side at times, but there are a few uncomped tourneys.

    I thought about actually having two cowboys, either one for each unit of CoC, or two for one, depending on matchup. My slann is (tentatively) going to be on High.

    I haven't actually played a game with Lizardmen yet. I'm trying to do Lizardmen differently than I did my High Elves and Bretonnians - meaning I want to have an idea of an army list, then buy the models I need for that list. I bought a boat load of models for my other armies, and half of what I bought is laying around waiting for a rainy day.
  4. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    With the double basti you really don't want another caster. So the heavens priest would be out for me. You do lose your arcane vassal but nothing else really. The other way to go is dropping both basti's. But i'm less ok with that list.
    Prox an army and play a few games with your CoC. Most people arn't a big fan in this addition of LM.

    At 2500 I went with

    Slann, BSB, Channeling staff, Harmonic Convergence, Focus of mystery, Becalming cogi

    Scarvet CO GW Armour of Destiny
    Scarvet CO GW LA dragonhelm Dawnstone

    30x Saurus FC
    10x Chort 1x Krox muso
    2 units of min skirm

    2 Basti
    2units of min CoC
    20x TG FC

    Ancient Steg w/horns

    In most games your going to want to hold a flank with both bastis and your redirectors. Saurus holding your center lines whilst both units of CoC w/scarvets work through the other flank. TG are a counter charging unit in this army I think, so when a basti gets charged or your saurus block, the TG come in and go to work. I gave the slann loremaster high, because that shit is awesome.
  5. nakaithewanderer
    Jungle Swarm

    nakaithewanderer New Member

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    hmm isnt it said in the book somwhere that enemies can attack the kroxigors if they are in contact with the skinks? personally i dont use skrox becuase of that reason people tend to say at my locals "ahh lets attack the big thing before it eats us" and because the kroxigor strikes last its destroyed and then the skink block is sort of useless idk how do you play them? in my battles i take the bare minimum of core so that i can take more specialized stuff like have more points to play around with a slann
  6. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    7th edition you couldn't attack krox through skinks. This edition you can only attack a krox if you are in base contact with a skink that is in turn in base contact with the krox. This does mean they can't send their supporting attacks through the skinks to hit the krox, but it's still not great for the unit. Unless it's heavy cav most people just eat skinks for the combat res anyway.

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