8th Ed. Inter-forum WFO Tournament

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Disciple of Nagash, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. Disciple of Nagash

    Disciple of Nagash New Member

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    Hello and bloodiest greetings from Carpe Noctem!

    I am posting this in your main section, as it does actively involve your forum, however if mods feel that if may be better else where, please feel free to move it.

    As you may have already guessed from the title of this thread, over at CN we cleared out the zombies and our darkest and most twisted minds was wondering what to do next for some fun…..and then catching sight of the recent Euro 2012 and Olympic Games the thought a little competition might be interesting!

    As some of you may know, many of the sites have WFO (Warhammer Fantasy Online) systems, were you can login and enjoy a game of warhammer with your forum friends halfway around the world. Some of them use MS paint, but more recently many have moved over to utilising Battle Chronicler.

    CN did indeed pilot this system, and for those who still aren’t sure what it is, you can see examples here: http://www.vampirecounts.net/Forum-The-Fields-of-Blood-WFO-Section

    So our idea was, wouldn’t it be good for each race-orientated forum to come up with that dream team of an army, pick their best general and send them forth as the ambassador of that forum? Not only would it be great fun for the members, get them cheering on their team, it can only be good publicity for all the forums involved.

    It would be a knock-out style tournament (similar to football), and I am sure those of us who have sponsors would be able to get them involved for some decent prizes.

    Now admittedly we have only just scratched the surface of this idea, and we have stopped any more development on purpose. We think that the concept and rules should be something that all forums should be happy with, therefore we would like to propose the following:

    A forum that is interested should talk amongst itself, with involvement from the forum staff. If they would like to at least talk and possibly develop it further, they should nominate 2 people to represent their forum. Ideally at least one of them should be an Admin/Mod as they will be representing the best interests of their said forum.
    These people can then form an inter-forum committee, who will discuss and hopefully come with an agreeable set of rules, process for this competition.

    Thus hopefully a great competition will develop, and if it works perhaps this could become a yearly competition where each forum strives to claim the honour of having their army trounce all the others!

    So if this does sound interesting then please reply here, or send me a PM here or on CN. I will be one of CN’s representatives, and will be coordinating things until the committee is formed and can run itself.


    Disciple of Nagash

    Carpe Noctem Owner
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I think this is intriguing....I think Strewart would probably be our most fitting champion.

    I think the hard part would be to make a dream team army by committee since everyone on the forum has their own ideas on what constitutes a good list.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Stewart is after all a champion. (according to his sig anyway)

    This sounds like fun. I spent a little time with Battle Chronicler last night checking things out. It seems like a decent system. I'm sure our LM representative will have to play a few games with it before the tourney in order to familiarize themselves with the system.

    I'd bet we could do a forum-wide vote to pick the best of 3 or 4 lists. But yeah, making the lists will be the arduous part.
  4. lordberti3

    lordberti3 New Member

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    Well we could get a group of say 4/5 experienced lizardmen players (with a good track record) to make there best army list of the desired point value; we then set up a poll to vote on the favourite list. That way people can also play test the lists and see how they will fare in the battle.

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