i can never decide wether i should go with jabs or pipes. I usually go with jabs cause the`ll hit on 4+ most of the time and that means i can get kills with non-posioned hits. Pipes will usually hit on 6+ or 7+ and rely only on their posonous hits to kill. moving + x2 shots means hitting on 6 at enemies 6" away. If you are shooting long range, then its hits on 7 and you lose poison. unless im missing something or some rule, blowpipes seem to suck hard compared to jabs
Well I like them both... I usualy go with 40 skinks, divided in 4 units of 10... 2 units i use blowpipe and two units with javs... I realize that are both good, but strategy and games tell me that skinks with blowpipes are attack suporters, while skinks with javs are defence supports... I believe that both are important to have... cheers
I like to keep em cheap with the blowpipes. They have longer range, and giants will drop like flies if you have enough of them.....
Blowpipes all the way. I use them as diverters so keep them cheap, plus since they are usually planning on running they will quite often mostly be between 8" and 12", where javelins would be useless. Hitting on 4's is nice but I'd much rather just rely on poison.
there's a lot of good info on the subject on this link. http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=516 caneghem especially has so great math-hammer info.