Im loving the look of the models, But I'm not sold on their utility. Any experiences with them you'd like to share? Are they even viable in 8th edition? Thanks in advance
I used them in my first 7ed game back when I was getting started and they work rushing into some archers. My first 8th game my skaven oppoent at a set of 8 rat swarms. And I triple charged with skinks saurus and a steg and nearly one shotted them all, won by 13 CR and the swarm lost that many wounds. So most people will say they aren't that great. But some uses I've heard is layering them in small groups (enough to survive a charge and thus no overrun) Or using them to "out unit" your opponent so you can deploy your units last (not very sportsmanlike)
They were fiarly good in 7th and great in earlier editions but in 8th jungle swarms just arent doing it for us lizzies your better off with a block of skinks.
Yeah, I think I would be better with skinks. I'd rather shoot and S&S. Just interested me because as core, I was wondering if they would have any real impact on a game. Though apparently not
From what i have heard you can use a jungle swarm to protect your most presious units. This is the way it works: Lets say you have your slann and a big block of temple guards. This is often enough your armies pride and joy, the lot have stubborn, immune to psyhology and ledership 9. The fact is still that if you would say to loose a combat and recive a bad roll the whole lot will flee and the enemy will most likely be gunning after you. Losing that roll would be disasterous! By putting a jungleswarm behind your big block as a "speed bump" you ensure your company to stay safe from anyone willing to hunt them down. I can't say this is a must, it's just a way of avoiding disaster if the unthinkable would happend
Thats a not bad idea. Plus covers the rear and possible flank. This works best with the slann not being the BSB, cause in current rules if heaven forbid the slann actually did run hes dead outright since he has the BSB (dumb rule imho)
Yeah jungle swarms are pretty rubbish in my opinion. They can work, if you have a good idea in mind for them and a plan of action, but in a general list they aren't really worth the space on the page, let alone the points.
Jungle Swarms are useless for Lizardmen. They cost too much and don't do enough to validate spending the points.... One of the worst options for us LM players IMO... Just sayin'... Iggy
Your'd want to try it with a decent sized unit of swarms to make the casting worth it. But with 5 wounds a model and toughness 6 I'd think you could lock down just about any unit all game.
Yeh, i got my Scar-vet (general) hunted down by a mob of orc boar boys afer losing combat by 1 and rolling 8, pain in the ass...
Increasing their toughness would help them out but your still looking at a unit that is worse in combat than a unit of skinks and more expensive. Combat resolution ruins them every day of the week.
Yeah and if you are going to increase a unit's toughness... Hell, might as well put the spell on a unit that is worth taking in the first place rather than try to use it on swarms. Timewarp would also be great on them, extra attack per base and strike first, but its more of an investment onto a unit thats not really worth it in the first place.
Mind Razor'd be great on them... Take that, greater daemon/steam tank! I think I may have seen a thread on this at some point...
I think in an extreme set of circumstances they may have a use, though they seem like cannon fodder without an extreme amount of buffs Could be funny to see them with Timewarp or T6
That'd be a pretty funny surprise for you Empire apponent! Since the swarm will go first and you charge it into combat with the Stank the empire player would grin until the magic phase when you cast Mind Razor, then watch him dive for his dispel dice if he has any...