Karibbean Dawn!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by GamesPoet, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. GamesPoet
    Jungle Swarm

    GamesPoet New Member

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    Hi folks!

    Karibbean Dawn is a new Warhammer on-line campaign event that is just getting underway, brought to you by the Old Grey Beards (Kaptain Blacksquig, Warboss Kurgan, and GamesPoet).

    There are four factions ... The Castaways, The Monarchy, The Privateers, and The Pirates. Signups have been underway and Turn One is complete, but its not too late for joining in on the seafaring and fighting that are already underway.

    The Castaways might the lodgical spot for a Lizardman character, yet any of the others might work as well.

    The story starts in 1785 I.C. during the early days of Karibbean development in the New World. Meanwhile, back in the Old World, it is rumored that Bretonnia and Estalia are at war, yet what does this mean for those in the Karibeean?

    Here's a link to the forum site ...


    Get over there, sign up soon, and make yourself a captain character and his ship!

    - - -

    Oh, and here is another site with a bit of information, including some fluff ...

  2. GamesPoet
    Jungle Swarm

    GamesPoet New Member

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    Hi again folks!

    Sorry we didn't see any of you over on the "Karibbean Dawn" online campaign. We ran it for 12 turns, one turn per week, but its completed now. We had 4 factions of 5 players each and it was lots of fun!

    However, there are plans being made for another similar campaign event for next year, probably sometime in May 2012 as the start. We are planning for some improvements from what we learned during "Karibbean Dawn". And the new event is entitled Karibbean Rising.

    The story line so far is that it was 1785 I.C. In the sea area just norht of Lustria there were four factions fighting for land and loot. There was the Monarchy, a group working with the Imperials and Bretonnians. Meanwhile, there were a group called The Privateers, selling themsleves out for various tasks in the region. There were also a group of Pirates, and we all know what they do. And lastly there was The Castaways seeking to combat the forces of the Old World as they sought to put there own stamp on the New World.

    During "Karibbean Rising", we hope to include some players from Lustria, and if you have ideas or questions, then we'd be interested in your input. Let us know, and I'll check back in here sometime soon.

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