7th Ed. Kill the Dragon!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Dalkarius, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Hey there!

    This is Dalkarius back from his victory dance about how to kill a dragon. Firstly, I will provide the list of my opponent, then I shall reveal the one I wrote down a few minutes ago. We play 2250 matches. It's the proto-type, so any advise or thoughts are most welcome.

    My opponent is a HE player (who've I yet to beat since the new book :( ) And here is his list;

    Prince armed with a GW, Armor of Caledor, Vambraces of Defense, and the Talisman of Loec. (Pretty much Str 5 [though chances are he'll switch to a lance, str 6 on charge], 2+ armor save, 4+ ward save and re-rolls armor saves, and rerolls failed hits, wounds, and succesful saves of the wounded for one turn of combat, then taking a unsaveable wound at the end of the combat phase)

    Prince is mounted on Star Dragon (Str 7, To6, Attacks 6, Int 2, WS 7) 3+ Scaly Skin and breath weapon of Str 4 that causes Panic if it wounds. 622 points

    x2 lvl 2 mages that are scroll caddies, one wielding a Silverwand as well, which gives him an extra spell. 185 & 175

    x2 units of 10 archers. 110 each

    x2 units of 10 Dragon Princes with FC and one of which has the War Banner. 350 & 370

    x1 unit of 8 Silver Helms with FC. 224

    x2 Repeater Bolt Throwers. 100 each

    VS. (proto-type)

    Slann 2nd generation with BSB, PoD, PoT, and DoP 585

    Skink Priest lvl2 Scout with CoF 140

    Skink Priest lvl 2 with x2 DS 150

    3x units of 10 scout skinks with braves 75 each

    x10 chameleons with Stalker 156

    x2 units of 5 terris with braves

    x10 COR with FC and War Banner 425

    x3 Sallies 195

    My tactics revolve around using the magic to quickly demolish his Dragon, my Ace being Pit of Shades which the dragon won't pass more then likely and it'll die instantly, taking away the HE's best card. Then I plan to mass my skinks, terris, and sallies on the shooting to wipe out any threats in the shooting phase, then I'll have an easy time destroying the cav with sallies, magic, and COO. His mages always place with the archers because they're his only foot unit, so that's easy to reduce to rubble with a bombardment of a shooting phase.

    Any advises via tactics, units, and PLEASE on what lores with Slann are needed and wanted. Thanks, guys.

    Also, a quick question about Slann. Do I declare how many spells I'll roll from each lore, or do I roll one at a time? Also, does the Diadem of Power allow me to save a Dispel Dice and give it to my Power Dice, or only Dispel dice to Dispel dice and Power to Power?
  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Well, the Pit of Shades option is definitely viable. The only thing I'll suggest is that on turn 1, go mage hunting with your chamo skinks and/or terries, depending on whether the mages are on their own or stuck in a unit. Once you have magical superiority, let fly every spell you can manage from the Slann.

    Another spell to look at is The Beast Cowers from the lore of beasts, as it will affect the star dragon and effectively neutralizes it for not only that turn's close combat phase but your opponent's next movement phase as well. It's cast on a 7+, so 6+ from your Slann, and if it doesn't work... you still have four (five) other spells to sling at it.

    I'm not well versed in the rules of selecting spells, so I can't weigh in on that. I'm guessing you just say you're trying for a specific spell/lore, and then roll for it.
  3. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    My understanding is that you declare a lore, then roll one spell at a time until satisfied. Declare new lore, repeat.
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yep that's exactly right, and you always have the option to take the first spell for each lore as normal
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Thank you all very much. I do want to ask though, does anyone think that maybe I'm pumping too many points into that CoR's unit? They cost almost as much as my Slann, but are much easier to kill and I don't want to risk that many points on one unit, but I'm not sure what I should take instead. Kroxigors maybe?
  6. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    The idea sounds good, but I'd change a few things for the army.

    First drop the Cav. their strong but not that useful in an all skink army. with the pts you save add in two units of 4 kroxigors. drop the BSB you don't want to get into combat except with your kroxies and to some extent your terridons so you don't need it. bring both terridons down to units of 4. I find these much easier to hide and they still take out war machines perfectly fine. and switch out the CoF for the Rod of the Storm, use it against his silver helms (i'm assuming they have a 4+ armor) to cause a panic test. and add in another unit of scouting skinks (50 skinks on the table is hard for the enemy to deal with and they swarm real well). This should leave you with 38 extra pts. you could drop the braves, both in the skinks and terridons, and field another unit of scouting skinks, but thats allot of skrimishers to get in your way. oh, and how are you fielding your skinks? since you have cham. skinks in there I would suggest fielding all of them with javelins and shields which make them excellent screens and fast harass units.

    All this should give you 6 more guys and 2 more units.
  7. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Sorry on that first post I kinda skrewed up since you can only field 4 special choices and I suggested 5. drop a unit of fliers. now your up to 178 pts. of extra.
  8. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll stick with the CoF's due to LOS and avoiding the dragon, plus silver helms have a 2+ save and their leadership is plenty high to get over a Panic test. Though I like the idea of more Skinks, I'll definately consider the Krox's. It's just proven a challenge to use skinks to bait DP and SH because my friend is intelligent AND those cav's charge range is 16, if I recall correctly. So thanks, I'll probably take some Krox, but I'd prefer to keep my terradons that size in case his shooting gets the first round.

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