Hello admins I would like you to ban all the members, who have spammed pretty much every forum on this site, with their home page which sells kitchens. Yes. Bloody kitchens. I just searched google for their wep page which is solidwoodkitchens.uk, and it seems like a lot of other sites has also had this problem. I dont know if you are already aware of the problem, I just wanted to give you a heads up. List of users who has done this: raysh4 xperianeol dobelgarden tinus wonderneety 36bajigur kulanuwun buleleng31 sewusatus cubby manusia Edit: Removed n810 i dont know i put him there sorry for that i have seen his posts maybe 50 times so... yeah. Wow there are many :O I dont think any of them has done anything but spam, leaving me to believe its bots. Vict.
The mods made an announcement about this yesterday at http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/cheap-kitchen-anyone.11178/, and yes, bloody kitchens indeed. I would love to sacrifice these bastards to sotek. They're definitely skaven.
I am dealing with them on a daily basis. I spend on average about 45 minutes deleted and banning those users. I have also made some changes to the permissions for new users (which apparently did not take). Hopefully, I can block them somehow.
"N810" KNIGHT: Augh! Ohh! Don't say that word. "Arli" ARTHUR: What word? "N810" KNIGHT: I cannot tell, suffice to say is one of the words the Knights of N810 cannot hear.
lol. n810 on the spambot list. made me giggle. glad i open this up first thing when I get home from hard days at the office