AoS Koatl’s Claw 2000pt

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Telinborn, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Telinborn
    Jungle Swarm

    Telinborn New Member

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    Hi all! I wanted to run my list by you and see what feedback you have for me. I liked the idea of the Koatl’s Claw build featuring biting and charging. See what you think:

    Scar-vet on Carnosaur-General: Dominant Predator command trait and Eviscerating Blade

    10 Knights with Warspears x3
    Firelance Temple-Host Battalion

    Ripperdactyl Chief
    3 Ripperdactyls x2

    3 Salamanders x2

    Skink Starpriest with Cloak of Feathers

    Skink Starseer

    Extra Command Point

    2000pts. (I think)

    Looking for the Knights and Scar-vet to get bonus Jaw attacks for both rider and mount. Should be 7 attacks each with extra damage on the charge on the Warspears and +1 to hit on the charge. Saurian Savagery to make the sixes explode. Ripperdactyls and Salamanders get extra Jaw attacks as well. Starseer bonus to propel the Salamanders into the enemy lines. Battalion Warscroll to help get the Scar-vet and Knights get in play fast. Some CP benefits from the Skinks and the Dominant Predator trait. Mortal wound support from the Starpriest. Scaly Skin on multi-wound models.

    I like the feel of the faster-moving, savage list. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
    Lizerd, Tav and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    I have a very similar list except i only have 20 knights total as thats the models i have. works well using the 5s as a spearhead and the 10 to be buffed up. i put Kroak in the list with a bale wind and astrolith to maintain a strong magic presence.
    Instead of the feather cloak it would be worth taking aetherquarz so you can really spam your command abilities without much worry.

    its a cool list and i enjoyed playing the fast cavalry charge kind of list, not sure the rippers are needed though could take them and the chief out to have an old blood on carnosaur, this way your opponent has to decide which big chomp to stop
    Lizerd, LizardWizard and Telinborn like this.
  3. Telinborn
    Jungle Swarm

    Telinborn New Member

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    Thanks, Tav!

    Points well taken. I’m encouraged that the general build has worked for you! I’ll be new to AoS so I can really use the input.

    I don’t have Kroak, but I have his younger cousin.

    I’ll definitely use the Aetherquartz! I only have the Core Book and Battletome, so that was new to me. I’ll have to get the Malign Sorcery rules sometime.

    I love the idea of the second Carnosaur. Redundancy is always good in tabletop battle games.

    As for the Ripperdactyls, I was thinking I’d like the additional speed with flight they offer. I hope to bypass screening and ruin someone’s backfield. With the Toad Rage, Voracious Appetite, Ripperdactyl Assault command ability and Predatory Fighters bonuses, they’ll get 50 attacks with the 7 models and 36 will get rerolls and exploding sixes for Tearing Jaws. I definitely want to see what they can do (plus the models are cool). I like your recommendation to sub the second Carnosaur for them, too, so I need to pick one of those up!

    I’m grateful for you taking time to help me out!!
    Lizerd, LizardWizard and Tav like this.

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