Here is a casual list i want to try. I rarely play, usually 1 game a month right now (cant wait to graduate from college next month). Whenever i do play, i usually get trounced. I try use buffs with slann and priests, but that hasnt been working lately. So im throwing the buffs aside and going for kroak. This is a 2000 point list, but if i played it at 2500 i'd add a solardon, a sally, a few more skrimishers, and fill the rest with the TG and saurus. KROAK GOR-ROK Skink Priest- lvl 1 cloak of feathers, Beasts Saurus x35-HW and sheild, full command. GOR goes here. Skrimishers x 11 Skrimishers x 10. Priest goes here until he flies TG x20-full command Sallys x 2 Troglodon
Looks like a decent army. Two stubborn blocks and your Kroak Bombs. Should play pretty fun. My only advice would be to swap out your Trog for a Steg. The higher strength will help you out in the inevitable grinds you'll get in to. The Trog will add some power to the list with his Thunderstomp and whatnot, but the Steg will help out with other heavy hitters like Monsters. That or a cheap Scar-Vet will accomplish the same thing.
I duno, channeling Kroaks spell through the Trog is not the worst idea. He's definitely more durable than a priest.
unless enemies have cannons Having a flying vassal i'd take a steg aswell, or kroxigors since i'm starting to like them more than stegs, but i can see the trog's potential in this list expecially if he's able to use his roar affecting both the blocks