8th Ed. Kroak question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Pofadder, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    Please take up you armybooks and the BRB and lend me your wisdom.

    The following situation occurs:

    I have deployed in all their glory a unit of temple guard. during character/s deployment I deploy a scar veteran on foot in the temple guard, then I deploy Venerable Lord Kroak in the same magnificent unit of temple guard.

    Kroak's special rule gives every model in the unit he joins the Unbreakable special rule.

    The BRB does not allow a "breakable" character to join an unbreakable unit...
    If my grasp of the english language does not fail me I read Kroak's special rule as all encompassing saying that it makes every model unbreakable including the hero I have placed in there before placing Kroak.

    I was told the way I did things was against the spirit of the rule... Which I think was an exaggeration to start with because it certainly seemed plain to me that I was within RAW. Secondly, my intent was certainly not to bend / break the rules ( I ended up playing him separately). Because I detest rules differences detracting from the fun of a table top game. That does not mean that I just want to lie down and accept every other opinion from an opponent as law.

    WHat sayeth my cold-blooded bretheren. Am I a snake? (For this purpose do not let my forum name count against me please)
  2. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Well, according to your opponents i'd say that deploying him in a unit of temple guards would also be "against the spirit of the rules".

    I disagree with their interpretation, a normal slann could also get a TG in, and would give normal bonuses to him - why would Kroak not do so? It's not as if having a scar vet deployed in your TG; being unable to remove him from there is a vast advantage which they'll never be able to get back.

    Unless a FAQ comes out, in which it is stated by jeremy vetock himself that it is against the spirit of the rules (as the orgre FAQ says about armor and mages), i would say you're being falsely "prosecuted".
  3. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    "If Lord Kroak joins a unit of Temple Guard, all models in the combined unit gain the Unbreakable special rule."

    Seems perfectly clear to me, that any scar veteran or other character (already) in the unit is included in this rule.

    The order of which they are deployed would matter if you take the rules VERY seriously, but shouldnt in a casual game imo.

    Thats just the way I see it anyway.
  4. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    They have no case, since all characters must be placed same time.
    P 142. Its not written super clearly, but thats how its by the rules.
    So kroak and ur saurus dude joins the unit the same time.
  5. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    I'm pretty sure this is fine, Kroak does prevent non UB characters joining the unit but if they deploy in it then it's fine
  6. Noveltyboy

    Noveltyboy New Member

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    Agreed the unit itself is not unbreakable they are gifted this as a special rule so the second his forked tounge enters the unit he IS an unbreakable model. Some people do like to read between the lines. Same applies to many rules if a character joins a unit with them and spells.

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