Lord: Lord Kroak Heroes: Skink Priest w/ Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts Skink Priest w/ Cloak of Feathers, Lore of Heavens Tetto’eko Skink Chief on Ripper w/ Egg of Quango Scar Vet w/ BSB, Light Armor, Shield Core: 32 Cohorts/ 4 Krox, Full Command 11 Skirmishers 11 Skirmishers 12 Skirmishers Special: 25 TG Full Command 4 X Ripperdactyl Rare: 4 X Salamanders THE PLAN! I’m not sure if the Salamanders should be in 1 group of 4 or 2 groups of 2, thoughts? The plan for them is take the vanguard move and roast the enemy turn 1. The Skink Priests are there for Kroak to nuke the enemy through, not really much else. Last time I ran this list it lacked a strong flank heavy hitting unit. The Ancient Stegadon died really fast so I wanted to try something else. Enter the Ripperdactyl’s and Chief; now I know he can’t join them but he’s going to stay right behind them the whole time. The Rippers are my flank charge and the Chief is primarly a delivery system for the egg. I want to make sure it hits exactly where I need it. The overall stray is widdle the enemy down with Priests and Skirmishers before the Skrox/TG/Ripper hit them.
From what I've seen of rippers, they hit just like a 160 point unit. They are decent, but can't take a punch. I've been happier with multiple chiefs on rippers/terradons than the units of them. Buy the enchanted shield/dragon helm for the cheap 2+ armor. Remember that chiefs on terradons are still flying cav, so they can bait, flee, rally, and then move as normal. Bait and flee seems like a good idea with a Kroak Bomb list. -Matt