7th Ed. Kroxar with Skink Units... special slot taken?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by skinker, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    Hey gang, first post here. I try not to ask questions that can easily be found in the books but this one has me stumped. If I want to include kroxar in a skink unit, does it cost me a special slot? Also, can I include 1 or 2 Kroxar in a skink unit if minimum kroxar unit size is 3? Can the kroxar leave a skink unit? Can the kroxar still charge and get the impact hits if they're in a skink unit?

    And finally... is it even a good strategy to mix the two together or would I be better served by fielding separate units?

    I am a dwarf player trying out the lizardmen, so thanks for your patience if these are stupid questions!
  2. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Yes you can field them without taking up a special slot since they are considered an upgrade.

    You can have 1 Krox per 8 Skinks in the unit, no minimum for upgrades. So you wouldn't have to meet the 3 Krox minimum for a unit.

    As they are considered upgrades I do not believe they would be allowed to leave the unit.

    I don't think Kroxigors get impact hits normally. They can still charge with the skinks, and as per their rules can attack from the second rank.
  3. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    no special slot is used up and there is another requirement for adding krox than the minimum 3/unit, thats 8 skinks/krox
    the kroxigors can't leave the unit as they are bought together as an upgrade much like unit champions, standars and musicians, also kroxigors don't get impact hits.
    as for the viability of the tactic, there are a couple of threads here on the forum still discussing that... i'm quite against them but others seem to like them. i suggest you read those threads and form an oppinion of your own after maybeplaytesting various unit sizes
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Actualy we no longer have any units that take up two slots any more. :D
    I guess all the 7th editions books are going this way..?

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