8th Ed. Kroxigors and Multiple Wounds

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by FerEnough, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. FerEnough

    FerEnough New Member

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    Hi everyone!
    I've trying to find some rule about how are the multiple wounds affect our loved Kroxs, (or any other model with more than one, for that matter)

    Are the multiple wounds rolled all at once and then just remove a Krox for every 3?

    Should each hit be roled separetly for each Krox?

    is it someway diferent?

    Tnx a lot!!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    That's it! Think of the Kroxigor as having a "pool" of wounds. For every 3 wounds you lose, 1 Krox is taken. That's why Stegs with Sharpened Horns are good against Monstrous Cav.

    Unless you're fighting a challenge. Excess wounds caused to a particular model do not transfer over to the unit.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    wait.. Doesn't it work like this:

    When doing multiple wounds such as D2 or D3 agaisnt models with more than one wound, such as our kroxigors you don't just stack up all the wounds and remove models.

    The wounds doesn't transfer over to the next model meaning that if your have 2 attacks both doing 2 wounds (4 in total) you just remove one model and the left-over is gone.

    Should you instead roll 3 and 2 wounds you remove a model and puts 2 wounds on another.

    Because otherwise it doesn't really make sense in the way that the wound you do (which is then multiplied for whatever reason) shouldn't really affect any other model. For instance - the 2 + 2 multiple wounds on a 3 wound model are really just 2 wounds on that one specific model (which have been multiplied). So if you start to carry over the left-over wounds to another model it just really doesn't make a whole lot of sense since that model haven't been hit by the wound to begin with.

    I hope I'm making sense.

    To make a few more examplese, say our dear Carnosaur goes completely beserk and does:

    5 wounds ALL multiplied into 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 wounds. This would make (2 + 2 = one dead model), (2 + 2 = one dead model), 2 on another model. Killing 2 models and putting 2 wounds on another.

    Another example:

    5 wounds multiplied into 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 wounds. This would make 3, 3, (2 + 1) and 2. Meaning that you would've killed 3 whole models and put 2 wounds on another.

    If you just stack up the wounds and remove models it would've been:

    2x5 = 10 wounds = 3 dead + 1 wound on another model vs 2 dead + 2 wounds.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    You have to differentiate units from unique models like characters. The problem is that the Carnosaur is going berserk on a UNIT, not a model. Yes, the Carno would be touching only one model in the unit, but he isn't attacking that model. He's attacking the unit.

    So in the examples you gave;

    Carno inflicts 5 wounds and multiplies all those into 2 wounds each. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. That's 10 wounds. Wounds are wounds are wounds. The unfortunate Kroxigor UNIT would take 10 wounds. That means 3 whole models plus one wound on another.

    Carno inflicts 5 wounds and multiplies into 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. That makes 11 wounds. That would mean the UNIT suffers 11 wounds, removing 3 Krox and placing 2 wounds on another.


    Now what if the Carno went berserk on a unit of Scar-Vet Cowboys? In this case, the Carno HAS to allocate his attacks against particular models, since each is unique. This is the case where excess wounds would not carry over to the remaining Cowboys.


    Last scenario: Say your Ancient Stegadon charges into a unit of Cowboys.... What do you do? You randomly allocate the hits per the rules of shooting! After that, follow suit with the normal wounding rules. Multiply any wounds per the rules of Sharpened Horns and remove any dead Cowboys. No excess wounds rolling onto the remaining Cowboys.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    alrighty, more power to D3 attakcs then :smug:
  6. FerEnough

    FerEnough New Member

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    Tnx Guys!!! that was really helpfull.

    Could you give me some reference to where can I find the rule that explains this, or is it in a FAQ?
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Well, no book on me right now. I believe this concept is discussed under the entries for Multiple Wounds, Removing Casualties, and Characters. I don't think it's in the FAQ but it might be. You sort of have to have a comprehensive knowledge of the rules for wounding.

    Anyone have their book and feel like citing some rules?
  8. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Page 45 of the BRB: "... determine how many wounds are caused on each model individually (remember that each model cannot suffer more wounds than it has on its profile). Add up all wounds caused on the unit and then remove the appropriate number of models , noting any spare wounds on the unit."

    The parenthetical part muddles the rule up a little. "Models cannot suffer more wounds than they have on their profile" means that if your weapon deals d6 wounds but the model only has 3 wounds, then the max wounds each "hit" can cause is capped at 3 (still roll a d6, but if you roll a 4, 5, or 6 it only counts as a 3).

    Other than that bit, roll all your multi-wounds, add them up, then figure out how many models are removed by that many wounds!
  9. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    That last post is an important one. You have to remember the 'cap' that exists, otherwise you could have one hit from a sword that does D6 wounds roll a 6 and kill two Krox, which is not the case.

    The other thing to remember is that whatever 'leftover' wounds the krox (or others) carry with them get dumped back into the pool the next time they get into this process.
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    This was what I was saying in my inital post.

    So.. I'm confused now ._.
  11. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I think your first post was mixing up the two cases.

    If you're causing d3 wounds against 3 wound models then you just add them all up:

    if you score 5 wounds and roll 2,2,2,2,2 then you cause 10 wounds. Remove 3 models and leave 1 wound floating on the unit.

    You do *NOT* have to match up the wounds to get (2+2), (2+2), 2 which would kill 2 models, leave 2 floating wounds and waste 2 wounds.

    However, If you were causing d6 wounds and rolled: 2,2,4,4,6 then each of those would be capped at 3 so you would only add up 2,2,3,3,3 getting 13 wounds which would remove 4 models and leave 1 floating wound.

    (This cap does not apply if you are in a challenge. So a 2 d6 wound roll of 6 could cause up to 12 wounds a a Hero with 2 wounds... (technically those wounds are capped, but at 5+W so the 12 would only actually count as 7))

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