I'm finding it really hard to motivate myself to buy more Seraphon when we have absolutely no attention in the lore or wider story. Even Sylvaneth have a great story in the malign portents series but it seems Seraphon go totally ignored. Does anyone see this improving in the future? I really want to play Seraphon but I don't want to invest if they aren't going to recieve any development in the wider AoS story, it feels indicative of a lack of attention to the race in general. Apologies if this is the wrong place to be moaning, I'm a newbie.
Thats always been lizardmen for you. Some mysterious entity that's off doing it's own thing. The lore has always pretty much been isolated to their specific army book.
we did have some mentions here and there, so we do play some role in the story. But yeah, outside the battletome our story tends to be limited to just that. The occasional mention that we mysteriously showed up and destroyed some chaos army or some such and then left agan, leaving everyone to wonder what just happenend.
I agree. I like it mysterious because it leaves space for own fluff, but a bit more official stuff would be nice. And I think it will come, I just don't know when.
I'm hoping that with the release of AOS2 and the changes to summoning etc we will see a new battle tome as alot of our warscrolls need changing, and within that tome will come a lot more fluff and development of the Seraphon race.
Let's hope 2019 will be our time ! Although there are still so many that haven't been upgraded at all which makes me scared of 2020 ..
My official fluff is wholly contained in my signature. Clearly, you need a bit more... (see next) ...This, this, ^ this. ^ @bigrigbutters all you need do is write something a bit longer than what I went with... ...I found 21 words to be sufficient. For your case I recommend 42, or if you are feeling insatiably wordy, 63. But seriously, welcome to the forums all the same.
It is rather evident that GW doesn't really know what to do with us - which is easy to understand. Age of Sigmar has kind of developed it's own unique aesthetic and to be frank it is difficult to see where spacefaring ghost lizards fit into it all. Ideally we get Zectoka and Ku-Quar fleshed out as major presences in the world, like the named characters from other factions have. It's hard because remaining impersonal and mysterious is all part of Seraphon's character but if all they do is periodically interfere with events with no clear intentions then they're going to get boring fast. Seeing us show up in the Malign Portents shorts would be nice seeing as just about every other faction has.
At the moment the lack of lore and stories isn't as bad for Seraphon as it fits the mysterious nature of the race which some of you guys have said already. It does feel to me that Games Workshop will be planning on fleshing out the world lore this year and giving the realms a bit more depth for second edition, so that could end up having some tasty morsels of lore for us to feast upon. The preview of the new rule-book seems to follow the traditional rule-books of the past where you have 75% lore and faction backgrounds and 25% rules. So that could have something for us: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/11/11th-june-preview-the-core-bookgw-homepage-post-1/ Edit 12/06/2018: Ironically enough the day after I post this a Malign Portents story was released today with a short story of Seraphon dripping with lore. It is discussed in the thread below: http://lustria-online.com/threads/malign-portents-story.21411/ Here's a link to the Malign Portents story here: https://malignportents.com/story/dying-star/
Its just about patience my friend... lizards are at the same spot as skaven (two of the most original races from GW) which means that they wont be dropped that easilly. It may take a while and they might even refaction us like they did with the elves but we will still be relevant for a long time.... specially when seeng that our rules are now one of the most competitive (two seraphon armies in the top 10 tables of heat 3) and that the people that like seraphon is rappidly growing, the wattsup group is growing fast as well and the faction focus was one of the most succesfull furthermore as @Draconder mentioned in his last post, this last malign portent story... moved our storyline and fluff a lot more so that is all good news
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm glad you agree to a certain extent, although I hadn't considered the possibility for creating our own lore, I suppose I should check out some Seraphon fan fiction (or perhaps write some myself eh Pendrake). Was really happy to see the Seraphon story for Malign Portents, it gave me the kick I needed to finish off my skinks. Its nice to get some insight into the world of the Seraphon, I'm such a fan of the Aztec/ancient theme they have - the bit with the starpriest making his way to his Slann master gave me a few ideas for a diorama. Its also nice to see that they were able to give the Seraphon such real personalities, the Sunblood taking two silent hours to consider the skinks request was a great touch. Consider my issues with the lore lessened... I think we have great potential for lore considering this recent portents addition, looking forward to whats next to come.