Let's Get Motivated - October 2024

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Imrahil, Oct 2, 2024 at 12:30 PM.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - October 2024

    This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple.

    At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else.

    Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link.

    Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link.

    The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views intheir personal blog where the community can critique, etc.

    You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section.

    If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer.

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress

    Grrr, !mrahil
    JTSleep likes this.
  2. J.Logan
    Temple Guard

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    October Goals:

    Paint a minimum of ten redcoat saurus

    Paint the last six of my Brotherhood Light Infantry

    Bonus if time permits - Paint four miscellaneous models

    Loudly declare myself to be awesome, for my ego hasn't been stroked lately

    That makes it a nice rounded-out 20 models for me to procrastinate over.
    JTSleep and Imrahil like this.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    My goals:

    - finally paint 10 Uruk-hai scouts
    - paint de town Miniature from the Necropolis faction (HoMM3 The Board Game)

    - write a short-story for the current contest

    Grrr, !mrahil
    JTSleep and J.Logan like this.
  4. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    I should be able to squeeze more hobby time this month if I kiddo doesn't bring more germs from daycare. :D
    Possibly even get few more visits of modeller's club.


    -finish preshading and paint Riptide
    -preshade Tiburon
    -start cleaning mold lines on Taunar
    -assemble something Seraphon
    -paint something for British FOW
    -assemble some German BA vehicles
    Imrahil and J.Logan like this.

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