I have never based a model but have two dinosaurs, most of a saurus unit, and a bunch of sinks that need to be based before pictures are taken. My colors are greens, tans, yellows. What I don't understand is how I use the average basing grass stuff and make the bases look like jungle, opposed to grass/shrubs. Any guides or recommended materials or rules of thumb to consider?
You could try my method, its just white glue, sand and paint, it ends up looking like mossy earth. (drybrush in shades of brown/grey, then greens) also you can glue on some small patches of green flock for a little variety. you can use super glue instead of white glue for spikier patches.
I dont know how to use the basic grass stuff, but I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some little bushes that look great next to my dinos. For basing, instead of using the grass stuff, I just use ground black pepper, oregano, and dill weed. All of which my wife keeps stocked in our spice rack. It looks really good.
Herbs and spices?! This is quite unique, did you prime/paint the ingredients? N810, is white glue just elmers glue? What is it about a jungle base that screams jungle?
I have tried different types, regular Elmer's is good, their wood glue is better. Definitely don't get the "skool glue" or the like, it easily disolves in water, including water based paint.
oh this method looks simple enough. http://www.gamewire.belloflostsouls.net/two-minute-tutorial-fine-turf-grass/ oh and this... http://www.gamewire.belloflostsouls.net/two-minute-tutorial-basing-with-dirt/
I didnt paint the spices, they look just fine (and smell good too). I started painting the bases a nice olive green color to help make it all look more natural. I use elmers glue too.