8th Ed. Line of Sight and the frontal arc

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Maedhros, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Maedhros

    Maedhros New Member

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    I'm having a hard time with the new 8th edition true line of sight. The only explanation of how to find my unit's LOS is given on pg 10 of the BRB, "For one model to have line of sight to another you must be able to trace an unblocked line from it's eyes to any part of the body (i.e. the head, torso, arms, or legs) of the target".

    It seems simple but the problem I have with that explanation is that there is no mention of the frontal arc of the unit (or model for that matter). If taken literally the above seems to say that a unit has a 180 degree LOS taking the line from the models eyes and being unable to turn it's head. If we treat our models as abstractions as we are generally encouraged to do elsewhere and allow them to turn their heads they pretty much have 360 LOS. This seems to be the clearest explanation I can find since I'm not seeing any models which get 360 LOS as a special rule (as lone characters did in 7th).

    This gets weirder when I go on and look at charging where the only restrictions I can see on declaring charges is that the charge must be possible and in line of sight, pg 16. The only other major restriction I can see here is that the unit can only make one wheel of up to 90 degrees during it's charge but this leaves the unit with a 180 degree charge arc. Hence the target of a charge doesn't seem to need to be in the front arc of the charging unit.

    In magic on pg 31 being in the forward arc and having LOS are two separate requirements which vary based on on the spell type. The reason I bring it up is they appear to be distinctly separate here. Shooting on pg 39 also mentions needing both LOS and that the target be in the frontal arc of the unit.

    What brought all this up for me is a lizardman magic banner "The Plaque of Dominion" which causes any enemy wizard within 18" which can draw line of sight to the unit carrying it to roll for stupidity at the beginning of it's turn. This seems particularly strong with the new LOS rules.

    So guys, am I reading this right? What do you think?

    As a completely separate note it looks like you can use the generals LD for stupidity checks now. Pg 76 & pg 107, stupidity doesn't mention using the models own ld statistic and inspiring presence doesn't mention only using the generals LD for specific tests.
  2. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    i dont have a book, but if what you write its true then its lame....
  3. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    I've been wondering about this recently too...

    Firstly, it is possible for a model to be in your Frontal Arc, and not be in LOS; It could be obscured by another unit, or a wall or tree for example. From what I understand, a unit has LOS to anything in that is in it's Front Arc that is not obscured...
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm I haven't read the rulebook too thoroughly yet but when I played a test game we just stuck with 90 degree forward arcs for charging and shooting.. It would be rather silly if it just literally went from model eye to opponent, you could just model your two outmost men to be looking to the side of the unit and you 'technically' have LoS behind you... I really don't think (hope) thats what GW intended.
  5. YaxKukMo01

    YaxKukMo01 New Member

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    If it doesn't need to be in the front-arc then Casket of Souls just got crazy. I feel like the front arc thing might be addressed in the first FAQ
  6. Maedhros

    Maedhros New Member

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    Good news. I posted this on Dakka also and someone there pointed out a section on pg 16 I missed which states that the target must lie at least partially within the frontal arc of your unit in order to charge it (Just like in 7th). Glad I was wrong on that.

    But yea, it looks like LoS is pretty much 360, casket on a hill is going to be a pain.
  7. Cravenus
    Cold One

    Cravenus New Member

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    least its better than 40K TLOS where it just says that a model has LOS if it can "see" you(so from its eyes)

    want to shoot my guy, well I'm behind you, so no =S

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