8th Ed. list advice for old army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by borkbork, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Hi there,

    A few years ago i bought an old second hand lizzy army, and although i did some work on the army like paintstripping and assembling of models i haven't come round to playing (and they ended up deeply buried in dust). So with a (rather) new army book i need some pointers and ideas for a list, because i promised my regular opponents i would bring my lizzies for a game in the near future.

    So.....here is what i got.

    25 Saurus with hand weapon
    20 Saurus with spears (old 5th/6th ed. metals)
    30 skinks with javelin/shield
    20 skinks blowpipe

    - lots of old brett vs lizard men starter kit skinks with bow. (can be converted to blowpipe or javelin).
    - lots of the ugly starter kit saurus warriors.
    - 2 old metal skink command groups

    20 (ish) temple guard (old metal models
    15 Cold one riders (some converted to act as heroes)
    Stegadon (the old metal one)
    10 Chamo skinks
    6 Terradons (old metal ones)
    6 Kroxigors (old metal ones)

    3 Salamanders

    1x Slann (old 6th edition one with the bearers....but converted so that it works like a current Slann. Bearers are turned into regular temple guard)
    1x lord kroak (the mummy one, but we dont play with special characters much so will use him mostly as a regular slann).

    -and a few converted cold one riders

    So please fire away what list approaches i can take with these models (and perhaps with what i should buy) to get a nice semi-competetive list.

  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Well, I'm not the most experienced on here, but I think the following would be a good start:
    - If you're going to convert Skinks, give them javelins and shields. I play almost exclusively with javs over blowpipes, and even when I see people argue for BP's, I don't see more than 20 in their lists. Plus Jav Skinks double as Cohorts.

    - 24 is a minimum unit size for Saurus, unless you've got some really creative strategies in mind. I'd build and paint your starter kit Saurus so that you can field at least one unit of 30; ideally, you could do 30 each of HW&S and spear Saurus.

    - 20 Temple Guard is small; if you're taking Life, you can get away with it, but otherwise you'll want more - I do 26, because that lets you go 6-wide and 5 deep when joined by a Slann. Can you paint/convert/proxy some Saurus to stand in as more Temple Guard?

    When it comes to list-building, take a look at the Tactica Index and find the article on types of armies. I think, with the models you have, you'll go one of two ways:
    1. Traditional: your Core will be 24-30 Saurus, and 2-4 units of Skink Skirmishers (I try to take 3 minimum). Special will include your Temple Guard as a second combat block, and Chamo's and Terradons to hunt warmachines, monsters and the occasional character. Salamanders, and maybe a Steg, will give you some additional firepower. Take a Slann as the General, stick him in the Temple Guard and throw them at pretty much whatever tough stuff your enemy brings to the table. Soften up your enemy with magic, Skink shooting and Salamander fire, then use Skinks and Terradons to control the movement phase, setting up your TG/Saurus/Steg to double-team high-value enemy units.

    2. Skink Cloud/Skink Core: Fill your Core with Skink Skirmishers, maybe ranked-up Skinks if you really want. Put Chamo's and Terradons in Special to do a real guerilla-warfare approach (a 'Cloud'), or max out your mounted Saurus characters and put them in a medium-large unit of Cold One Riders to make a big hammer. A Steg and some Salamanders (to the extent that they'll fit) would work nicely, too.

    I hope this helps!
  3. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    thx for the advice.

    have started to write up a list (with the available models i probably have to start out with the traditional list).

    for now it will be

    3x 10 skirmishers spear shield
    2x 10 blowpipe skirmishers
    1x 30 Saurus (hw & shield, muso + banner)

    1x 26 TG (full command)
    1x 3 Terradons
    1x 1 Stegadon
    2x 6 chamo skinks

    2x1 Sally

    1x Slann

    1x Scar vet on Cold one

    That comes to 2110.....so still 390 points to play with (2500 is standard here) to buy equipment for Slann & Scar vet.....and perhaps a skink priest.

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