I've been thinking about trying out a list based entirely on having a hoard of TG with a slaan. this is it at the 2250 lvl, any changes/suggestions welcomed but the point is to have a hoard ... The Temple Guard Hoard 2250 Lords (420/562max) Slaan, BSB, War-banner, Two disciplines (dice and loremaster), Cupped Hands of the old ones (he will probably use lore of life) Heroes (207/562max) Skink Chief, Blowpipe, Teradon, Light Armor Shield Scar-vet, LA, Charmed Shield, Sword of Striking Core (564/562min) Saurus Warriors, Spears, FC, X21 Saurus Warriors, Spears, FC, X21 Special (831/1125) Temple Guard, FC, Sun-standard, (champion has, Iron Curse Icon, and Gold Sigil Sword) x 46 Rare (225/562) Salamanders or Razadons (haven't decided yet), X3 How i think it will work: Lore of life and all power dice going to the slaan will mean the hoard becomes a tuff nut to crack from a distance, i put the Iron Icon on the champion also for a +6 ward against cannons and such), The units of Saurus warriors are odd sized cause i was trying to make them fit, but they should bee good for supporting the TG hoard once the fun starts. THe random SC is there to chase down cannons. Unfortunately the only flank guard i got is a unit of either Razadons or slamanders, so i will probably be forced to corner up in most cases... All said and done it's a small list for 2250, just 4 units, but i feel like a 10 x 5 block of TG might be a intimidating thing for most opponents. Fast armies i feel will be my only weakness, but they can cause disruption in the rankes under the new rules, and i get alot of free combat res with my banners. What ya'll think?
That's some funny chit. I reckon give it a go and see how it works. With increased charge distances and easier to get through forests you should be able to find someone to kill. For extra cheesyness you could put the Crown of Command on the Slann for +35pts in case the enemy gets a flank charge on you. Tell us how you go.
I was hopping folk would find it amusing, I don't think i would need Crown of Command though, because the new stubborn rule states that if a character joins a stubborn unit they gain stubborn. (pretty awesome right) LD 9 stubborn with Coldblooded and re-role failed break tests ....