8th Ed. Lizardmen are #1, who's your #2?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Omar, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    We all know that Lizardmen are #1 and while they might not reign supreme in the Warhammer world they do in our hearts. I'm curious to know what everyone's 2nd place is. I want to start a new army just to have two armies at home I can play with when friends are over. My 2nd place is actually a tie between Tomb Kings and Wood Elves. I'm leaning more towards WEs but I know they're pretty gimp with the new edition and TKs are just too cool! Looking forward to the discussion. I'm stuck at work with nothing to do so replies are encouraged lol!
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Ogres would have to be my #2, followed by VC, then O&G. The order that I purchased them dictates their place (although the O&G were actually the 2nd purchase, they were my kids models first).
  3. sevensevensare49

    sevensevensare49 Member

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    Dark Elves are #2 for me, simply for the look and variety of their monsters & mounts. Haven't actually played any games with them though, just dictated by order of purchase, same as Arli.
  4. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    HAHA! Is it bad to have a whole army collection you've never played? I have like 3k points of 40k Orks and I've never used them... >.>
  5. sevensevensare49

    sevensevensare49 Member

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    not bad, just different priorities ATM. All but a few spearmen aren't even assembled yet :) Sitting patiently in boxes in my bookshelf awaiting their ascendency. Elves live for ages, so they can afford to wait haha
  6. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    As my signature states, I have several armies just for the very same reason - to have choices for my friends to play so I have opponents without having to trek 45 minutes one-way to a game store. It also really opened up my eyes as to what all the other armies do, their playsyle, and weaknesses. I can honestly say that every army I own, I play actively (albiet Wood Elves which are still all brand-new unopened boxes). I just purchased my 12th army a couple days ago from BarterTown - a 2500+ Tomb Kings army which I am anxiously waiting for mr. postman to deliver.

    The order that I purchased mine were: Bretonnians, Lizardmen (both came in the 5th ed. starter box), Dwarfs, Undead (which is now Vampire Counts), Orcs & Goblins, Dark Elves, High Elves, Ogre Kingdoms, Wood Elves, Empire, Skaven, and now Tomb Kings.

    The funnest army for me has been Orcs and Goblins simply for the unpredictability of it. And because of that, there was no "gaming stress" of trying to control everything as you simply can't. Random rolls happen often in this army as well as animosity. Though it is quite fun IMO to picture the crazy actions and reactions of the army and it's opponents in my mind as it happens on the table. If you go into the game expecting fun and a "whatever happens" attitude.. this army is great to play. On top of that, they really do have a LOT of options and different builds.

    Also, with the new 8th edition model releases for the Ogre Kingdoms, they really have a lot to offer on the battlefield too - especially compared to 7th edition games. The models are, imo, top notch. The fluff is great and the army can be pretty fun and competitive on the table too.

    If you are thinking about Dwarfs, Empire, Dark Elves and Chaos Warriors - that's great too. Though I cannot comment on CW as I have not played with them.. the others are fun in their own right: Dwarfs are great at controlling your opponents magic phase and have great artillary and stalwart defences. Empire is the Jack-of-all -Trades in that they have everything available... and not really master of any; lots of variety, colors, more fluff choices than you can throw a zombie's arm. Dark Elves have a decent variety of usable units, strong fluff background, tough regen monster in the Hydra, and a good Dark Magic lore. Just keep in mind that all of these and Choas Warriors are rumoured to be coming up sometime this year and just into the next as new model releases and possible army book as well.

    The main thing for advice that I can offer is look through the armies, check out the models and read their fluff. If you find one that you can like in both those areas, then give it a try. Perhaps even going to your local game store or GW and find someone playing that army and ask if you can watch.. or even look at their models not being played. Or.. even better - finding a person willing to let you play with them! :D

    - Lord Cedric
  7. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    I know a O&G player that got frustrated and left the hobby and I think it is precisely because of the same reason you stated. He had a set plan and if it strayed he just kept on trying to pull it off instead of changing with the flow...

    I agree with you about the new Ogre fluff, I loved it!! Specially the fluff on man-eaters. I saw a converted army in the GW site that had so many more man-eaters for other armies and it really caught my eye.
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I have never played the O&G army. However, I have played an Orc Mordheim band that was suprisingly fun and tough.
  9. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Even more Lizardmen. :smug:
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Heh, I have a large orc army which I have never played. In fact haven't even assembled most of them. Its a Mantic orc army. On the backburner.

    Anyway, my next favourite army is High Elves. In fact they are probably equal first because I really enjoy their playstyle and my Spartan themed army, plus it is a bit harder to win than with Lizardmen so it is more of a challenge.

    I have a themed WoC army growing at the moment which will hopefully be ready in a few months, and I do somewhat suspect that they will make it to number 1 or 2 soon after they are complete since I am loving the models and conversions so far!
  11. Raijing

    Raijing New Member

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    For me it has to be my Empire. they were the first army i picked up but then i went lizzes. i still pick them up from time to time, so they will always have a special place in my books. after them would be the Skaven/Tomb Kings i love the lore of the kings but i find the skaven to be very funny.
  12. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Lizards were my 1st Army adn will always be my favorite, secondary army is my Dwarves (if they every get their new book I will start playing them more). Right now I play Daemons of Chaos in my local league.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    DOW are my number two.

    I always wanted to collect DOW in high school. Now that I have more money I've bought a bunch of ROR even though they can't be officially used in many places. They are varied and are cool looking models though.
  14. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Rumours keep persisting that DoW will be back in some form. Either a GW campaign or via Forgeworld. There is a rumour thread on Warseer right now that says as early as next month some of the old models will be released in resin. Yay for bubbly DoW!
  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Do you mean this one?


    That linked on the DOW forum, but the rumor seems uncredible to me. If you found something else that verifies this I would be happy indeed. Happy about new official rules anyway. I have thus far refused to buy a resin models of anything. Resin is an acceptable material for models, if GW didn't charge so much for it. For the kind of price of their resin models, I can find the OOP metal model on e-bay for the same price or cheaper 90% of the time.

    I'd be really happy if mercenaries could be included with regular armies again as Rare choices like before. I'd love to field Tichi's Raiders or Ruglud's Orcs or the Cursed Company or pretty almost any DOW unit.
  16. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    The good part is that I believe the poster has been right before. He doesn't post a lot and he doesn't come across as very knowledgeable but I get the impression that he does have a genuine source. It would also make sense for WF to do DoW after CD I think -- another army neglected by GW that will be welcomed by the community.

    On topic, I have O&G, Ogres and Slaanesh Daemons painted for Warhammer, so Lizardmen will be my fourth army if you don't count other game systems. The greenskins remain my favourite to play though, always a blast both for you and your opponent. I also have a soft spot for really big unruly mobs.
  17. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah that one. I can't really comment on the validity of it since I don't know the original poster, but from all the rumblings I am confident at least that something will happen, even if this particular rumour turns out to be wrong.
  18. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    For me it isn't a case of #1 and #2.. for me Lizzies and Skaven are tied for my favorite armies. Lizzies are an excellent army with some of the most well rounded units in the game supported by (arguably) the best level 4 wizard in the game.

    Skaven are the karate kids of warhammer. Usually facing an uphill climb in tournaments versus one VC player, one O&G player, and nineteen warriors of chaos players. Now, in 8th edition, Skaven have turned the tables and just wiggle their little ratty rumps in the face of meaty massive stat line units by simply having more bodies on the field.

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