Well hi. I am a newb to the Lizardmen nor have ever faced them. I just finished my army awhile ago they are pirate Lizardmen So they are a sacred host of Questzl. Srry if the point add up is bad, Did this during class Lord Saurus Oldblood Great Weapon, Light Armour, Charm Of Jaguard Warrior Quetzl 192 points Heroes Saurus Scar- Veteran Great Weapon, Light Armour Charm Of Jaguar Warrior Quetzl 128 points Skink Priest Level 2 Wizard Quetzl 105 points Skink Priest Level 2 Wizard Quetzl 105 points Special Unit Kroxigor X4 Great Weapons 232 Rare Unit Ogre Bulls x6 Ogre Club, Iron Fist Light Armour Bellower, Standerd 230 Lead Belchers X2 W Bellower 120 Core Units Saurus Warriors x 21 W Hand Weapons Sheilds Banner Musician Quetzl 300 points Saurus Warriors X 20 W Hand Weapon Sheilds Banner, Musician Quetzl 288 points Saurus Warriors X 20 W Hand Weapons, Sheild Musician, Banner Quetzl 288 points Skinks X 20 W Hand Weapon and Sheild Quetzl 125 points Skinks X 20 W Blow Pipe Quetzl 125 points 2250 points I know this list might kinda suck right now. I NEED ALOT OF CRITICISM plz.
Ok, FIRST.....you can only take one copy of a particular magic item. The only exceptions are powerstones and dispel scrolls. So you are going to have to choose which character will have the Jaguar pendent. I personally would suggest keeping your oldblood with the pendent and turning your scar veteran into a Battle Standard Bearer. Your army is built around a core of infantry that will win by attrition, and so a BSB will keep them around in combat. Consider giving him a cold one to ride so that he could break off and take on small units. The only problem with this is that Ogres have terrible leadership. You might want to keep your oldblood around your ogres for the first couple of turns so that they dont run off the board from missile fire. After a turn or two though you should rocket your oldblood into a chariot or warmachine of some sort, and then start butchering his rear. In order to make sure that your army hits contact with the enemy with relatively little damage, split your skinks into 4 units of 10. Make two of them scout, and their only role should be to distract and march block as much as possible. They will probably not kill anything, and will probably die in turn 2-3, but thats is a good. The more attention your opponent pays to the skinks, the better. Consider charging in the rear if your opponent does not fall for the bait, if only to force your opponent to role for an unrestrained pursuit. The other two units of skinks should screen the main LOS lines to limit the amount of fire coming at your Saurus/shock units. On the topic of your shock units, i would suggest dropping the lone saurus. The spare 12 points would be better used elsewhere. Finally, two last comments. First, drop the ironfists on your ogres. They are your shock unit, and if they are in need of a shield then they are already in a bad spot. Just give them extra hand weapons, and use the spare points to buff other units, or perhaps get some useful magic items. On the point of magic items, I would suggest dropping 1 of the skink priests to level 1 and giving him a dispel scroll. There will be a spell that you have to dispell, and a scroll is incredibly useful for this. Also, when you consider that 2 level twos would be using only 3 dice each, it would be better to simply have a level 2 and a level 1. But this is more a personal preference on my part.
Lord Saurus Oldblood Great Weapon, Light Armour, Charm Of Jaguard Warrior Quetzl 192 points Heroes Saurus Scar- Veteran Light Armour, JSOD Quetzl, Tzunki 132 points Skink Priest Level 2 Wizard Quetzl 105 points Skink Priest Level 2 Wizard Quetzl 105 points Special Unit Kroxigor X4 Great Weapons 232 Rare Unit Ogre Bulls x6 Ogre Club, Iron Fist Light Armour Bellower, Standerd 230 Lead Belchers X2 W Bellower 120 Core Units Saurus Warriors x 20 W Hand Weapons Sheilds Banner Musician Quetzl 288 points Saurus Warriors X 20 W Hand Weapon Sheilds Banner, Musician Quetzl 288 points Saurus Warriors X 20 W Hand Weapons, Sheild Musician, Banner Quetzl 288 points Skinks X 19 W Hand Weapon and Sheild Quetzl 119 points Skinks X 10 W Blow Pipe Quetzl, Scouts 75 points Skinks X10 Quetzl, Scouts 75 points 2250 points Well I think that this looks a little better. I still kept the Skink Squad of 20 Together though. They are meant to take the charge that the enemy sends and missile fire away from my Saurus Warriors which then allows them to counter charge and anihalate them. My Ogres will be the counter to the calvary units and the Other half of the Skink are to kill those pesky Artillery. But I think I have to try out a game first to see if this works.
What do you mean when you put JSOD under the scar veteran entry? Normally this means Jaguar Saurus of Doom, which means that it has the jaguar charm, which you already have on the oldblood....