Heroes: Skink Priest (with engine of the gods(stegadon)) =355 Core: 16xSaurus Warriors (spears,musican,banner,champion) =222 16xSaurus Warriors (spears,musican,banner,champion) =222 Special: 8xCold ones(banner,musican) =390 8xCold ones(champion,banner,musican) =390 8xCold ones(champion,banner,musican) =390 Rare: 1xSalamader Hunting Pack(Unit size 3 salamanders, 9 Skin handler) =225 ===Total points-----> 2194 points
Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! Looks pretty good to me! But with saurus' speed your army is likely to split in two. Therefore, I recommend trading them for skirmishers
Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! 1894 points No magic items? There are many useful items for this guy, the drum or diadem + scroll are good options. If you really want a fast army then skinks are a faster core choice. You can keep the saurus but 1-3 units of skirmishing skinks are almost mandatory. Champions costs 20 pts för +1 S4/5 attack, hardly worth it. units of 8 are also terrible, you have 24 CoC right now which are MUCH better in four units of 6 instead of three units of 8. Rare: 3 sallies are a bit of a point sink and are pretty vurnerable. If you drop them down to 1-2 you can get 1-2 units of skirmish skinks for the pts. I just have to ask, why 1894? Are you playing with a 1999 or 1900 pt limit?
Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! 1894 points I need to make a macro for "what erians said". If you are planning to keep 2 units of Saurus I have some very serious questions for you. 1. How are you running them? 3 ranks and 5 files +1 lone Saurus on the back row? 4x4 (very poor choice for oh so many reasons)? 2x8? I don't see this working well in any way, especially when compared to a 3x6 unit. 2. Why are you taking champions for these two units? +1 attack and the exact same stat-line otherwise is not worth the cost of an entire other Saurus Warrior who would give you twice the attacks for the same cost. And, if you can bump those units to 17 in this way, go ahead and make it 18 and run them 3 ranks and 6 files. 24 attacks (if you somehow don't lose a couple of models due to our wonderful initiative) in close combat is pretty hard to beat. 3. When you say "Fast lizardmen armylist (sic)" are you meaning to say that this Army is fast in terms of Movement? Because Saurus are about as slow as one can get in Warhammer Fantasy. Or, do you mean to say that you came up with this list really quickly without putting much thought into the tactics of composition? I will be frank here and I really hope it comes off not as overly cruel but rather as just a warning from one Lizardmen enthusiast to another: I do not see much value in this list against any conceivable opponent. Now, that may sound harsh, but it is honest. What I do see value in is that you chose some great units, just wonky composition within those units. Perhaps if you gave us some more background we could help you conceive of a better, more potent list. For instance; is this for friendly games or tournaments? Is this for defeating one particular Army (like Skaven or Tomb Kings) or for fighting a broad list or possibly different Armies? How many points are you limited to? Are you limited in model choices based upon what you own? Do you want to go for dominance in any particular phase of the game like magic, shooting or movement or are you going for balance across all phases of the game. Do you prefer a more defensive play style or do you want to boldly march across the field of battle bringing death and destruction to your enemies? If you can be as specific as possible I know I, and probably most everyone else here, would be willing to help you come up with what we think are the best choices and answers to possible conundrums you may face based upon your wants and needs. Again, no offense or anything, I have the best of intentions I assure you. I like to help people and I really like to help fellow Lizardmen players. I am well pleased in anyone who takes up the mantle of the Old Ones.
Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! 1894 points But the skinks are weak so that's why i take saurus warriors. But the armylist is not finished it's the first army list that i made for the lizardmen.
Heroes: Skink priest-65 Engine of the gods -290 Itxi grubs-25 Plaque of tepok-15 =395 Core: 16xSaurus warriors-176 (musican,banner,spear)-34 =210 16xSaurus warriors-176 (musican,banner,spear)-34 =210 Special: 8xCold ones(banner,musican)-310 =310 8xCold ones(banner,musican)-310 =310 8xCold ones(banner,musican)-310 =310 Rare: ANCIENT STEGADON-275 =275 Total points 2020 points So is this better.....
You took only a couple of suggestions and left the most glaring problems in the list still. It's better by a fraction of a percentage point.
I agree with stegadeth, the list still has some huge problems (no skinks, units of 8 CoCs) but also has some new mistakes. Chiefs cant be on an engine but since you have given him some arcane items I assume you mean its a Priest. He also can't have 2 arcane items (you can't have 2 of the same magic item kind, only 1 enchanted, 1 magic armor, 1 weapon, 1 arcane item etc). There is also little point in taking both tepoc or grub on a level 1 caster as he won't be getting many spells thru anyway. As mentioned; if you have 24 CoCs and really want to use them, take 4 units with 6 in each. Don't type the exact point cost of the units either, as you can read in the sticky its forbidden to write the exact cost of a character, magic items, mounts etc, just type to total amount. I'd also recommend looking around on the other lists posted on this forum and you will quickly see where there is a consensus on whats good, for example 99% of the armies has 2-3 units of skirmishing skinks. Im not saying you should copy other lists, your current lists is very unique and great for friendly games, but it has some pretty big flaws.