8th Ed. Lizardmen in Storm of Magic, how do we do it?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Raithial, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Raithial

    Raithial New Member

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    so, I faught a game of SoM VS Skaven this evening, and I loaded up with a dual slann(life&light), as well as a number of skink priests to grab some fulcrums around.
    When I was using my battle, I noticed a few strange things that made me cringe...
    So, what kind of tricks and tips have you guys desined already for SoM?
    I did roughly 2 things in this SoM that I couldn't have done otherwise;
    ressurect an entire unit of TG, but then a large discussion broke out since they were attached to my Life Slann, and he was still in combat after the TG were killed. My opponent was adamant that the TG appeared behind the slann, and would need to be a separate unit from him in the turn of their ressurection, but this seemingly contradicts the TG rule that nomatter what; a unit of TG should ALWAYS keep a slann in it, if one or more are on the table.
    The second was the skink priest, who by turn 3 went ape-shit and managed to get 3 cataclysm spells off on his own, blasing a magic vortex over 50 skeletons, punching them back against another fulcrum, and the middle spell.
    When a single LVL2 skink went ape-shit atop a fulcrum he surrendered, fearing what would happen next turn when I would focus my magic-phase again with my Slann.

    So what are your stories of madness or heroism during SoM, and what sort of tricks and special things happened?
    Also, do any of you guys know some cool stuff to bring and how to wield SoM better? And how was this thing going on with the TG, do they rez around the slann, or behind him when he's in combat with a vampire?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I've only played one Storm of Magic game. I think Storm of Magic choices are more about what's fun than what's competitive. I decided not to take Becalming Cognition or the Cube of Darkness unless it's a tournament. In a friendly game that's just too nasty in a game when magic is so important.

    I think it's best to take whatever monsters or pacts seem fun to you. I really like the idea of Lustrian themed undead so I'm planning to run with a VC pact in every future SOM game (and I have conversions underway). If Forgeworld stopped making 40K stuff long enough to make the Dread Saurian, I'd probably use that instead.

    I think if competitive is what you are after you do want to take Becalming Cognition and the Cube of Darkness. I would use a Truthsayer or Zoat to hold your starting fulcrums and give you access to Life and perhaps Beast. Then use a Metal or Beasts Slann if you want your troops to dominate or use a Fire or Death Slann if you simply want to blast every opposing fulcrum wizard. A Carnosaur would probably be a good monster to take because it inflicts d3 wounds and there should be lots of enemies around with multiple wounds in a SOM game. A Skink Priest with a small protective group of Skirmishers is ideal for claiming unmanned fulcrums. You really want the Equilibrium Heavens spell to remain in play at all times. It's probably one of the best Cataclysm spells there is. You probably want to keep your Slann off of fulcrums: whoever is casting most of your spells shouldn't be on a fulcrum if you can help it so as to avoid the double miscasts.

    My main gaming friend likes the Scrolls of Binding but not the fulcrums and cataclysm spells. I agree though not nearly as strongly as he does, so we may end up playing SOM Lite where we can take Pacts and Scrolls of Binding but otherwie play the rules as normal scenarios.

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