8th Ed. Lizardmen need some artillary in 8th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by mcasefire, May 25, 2011.

  1. mcasefire
    Cold One

    mcasefire Member

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    So when we get our new book sometime in 2013. We need to get ourselves a few new things.

    1. We need better Engine of The Gods effects. Such as +1 Attack, or ASF ability within 2D6 inches.

    2. How about our own lore for once. The rats have a nasty 13th spell and cracks skull that just tears us up.

    3. How about a banner that makes you role 3D6 and that is how far you can see. So if Iam not in you range of sight, you cannot shoot me or charge me. We can call it the Banner of the Mystic Fog. It would be kind of like the storm banner those pesky rats have. So you would be able to activate the banner and on your next turn you would have to role a D6. On a 4+ it goes away. If not it stays in play unitl your next turn when you role a dice again, and on 4+ it goes away.

    4. How about some kind of giant rock lobber or something. I mean we can build temples and Engines but we don't know how to build rock lobbers.

    If you guys have any ideas for new things in our new book. Go ahead and add to this list.
  2. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Things I would like to see:

    Skink Fast Cav - put them on a something lighter, faster and cheaper than a Cold One (and not stupid).

    Skinks with Bows.

    Skink Witch Doctor - LvL 2 who can choose his Lore.

    Lizarmen Lore call it the Lore of Lustria - Give the Skink Priests a choice of Heavens or Lore of Lustria.

    Great Weapon or Additional Hand Weapon option for Saurus.

    Those are the ones off the top of my head.
  3. Lonesoldier

    Lonesoldier New Member

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    Additional handweapons for Saurus? Couple that with Birona's Time-warp and you have double the amount of attacks regular Saurus have.

    I would like having our own lore. The uses for Heavens, atleast what I have seens, is some what limited.
  4. Skink Skirmisher

    Skink Skirmisher New Member

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    what i would like to see is:
    1/ A fast cavalry skink unit( i agrre withy you)
    2/ our OWN lore! after all we are the ancient wizards in WH! why dont we deserve one?!
    3/ it might be interesting a ALWAYS STRIKE FIRST banner for our saurus!(they would be the best core infantry units in the game)
    4/ perhaps a warmachine.. something like a STONE THROWER.... or even something similar to the casket of souls(tomb kings) that would be a grave of an OLD ONE that would boost our magic phase even more! ;)
  5. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    other lore options for shaman
  6. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Our army isn't bad I just don't want anything else nerfed...
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Is there anything official on the 2013 thing you off-handely mentioned or did you just guess?

    I often don't get what I want, but I'm going to make a wish list anyway.

    1) A chameleon skink priest SC that has Lore of Shadows
    2) a power boost for Tehenhauin
    3) Skink Horned One Riders, I have a lot of old Tichi models and I think LM could use fast cav
    4) No artillery, I don't think it fits with our theme. A rock lobber woudl fall under the technology level LM have, but according to fluff Lustria is covered in thick jungles. You need open ground to aim any long ranged artillery. If we do get artillery it should be mystic in nature, like a lesser version of Engine of the Gods.
    5) I would like skink priests to get another Lore option, my friend points out that since Slann are the best non-SC in the game it would selfish to want our hero level wizard to get better too. Personally I think the lore of Heaven is so weak that if go no Slann and I have strong urge to go no magic at all.
    6) a fluff overhual. Not every SC needs to be over a thousand years old especially given that skinks age.
    7) A Slann mummy not of the first spawning, powerlevel between a skink priest and regular Slann. That's a very selfish request because I really like my Kroak model and want to use it in smaller games.
    8) A Kroxigor special character
    9) Cold One Riders, Swarms and Razordons to become either cheaper or more powerful.
    10 More fluff on the different city states. Perhaps even have some units come primarily or exclusively from certain stats like with many High Elf and Dark Elf units.

    I don't think we need another dinosaur, but I predict we will get one. Both the O&G and TK got big things.

    I have no idea what a LM lore would be.
  8. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    I agree someway of our hero caster having more choice would be excellent.
    Choosing between lore of lustria and heaven would be a reasonable comprimise.

    The Kroxigor special character is a bad ass idea. I'd like our SC char costs to come down to make them reasonable. 260 points for a two wound model is just brutal.

    And skink calvary would be a cool idea. I doubt they'd be good but its good to have some stuff like that around.

    And in exchange for all that you can increase salamander cost by 10.

    My really fear of a new book is powering us down, Scar Vets and Salamanders are pretty undercosted.
  9. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    going back a few editions(all the way back to 5th lol) and the only cavalry we had was skinks on cold ones, the saurus idea is pretty new in that respect.
  10. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Things I'd like to see:
    Chakax to not have Always Strikes Last (so he gets to strike first regardless, as it should be), and a points reduction.
    Razordons not misfiring so much when charged so much (~1/3 chance with 2 dice atm). Perhaps eat D3 handlers per misfire, but still fire the shots shown on the other dice? Even so. Nice model, meh shooting.
    Salamanders not being able to march and shoot. It's a bit mental tbh.
    Better Slann disciplines; Regen Magic Res and Terror need a re-think imo. Perhaps channelling discipline (on a 4+/5+?), dispel advantage - perhaps an extra dispel dice/+1 to dispel.
    A Krox special character would be ace.
    Special character overhaul in general. Gor-Rok is kind of the best of a bad bunch. He is a bit overpriced, but at least he has some redeeming features.

    Things I don't really want
    Own lore would be ok for skink priest perhaps, but I'm quite happy with being able to choose any basic lore with the Slann (Life/Light - how could dedicated lore be any better?)
    Fast skink cavalry? We have Terradons! Doesn't get much faster than flying...
  11. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    i also dont like the own lore part. 8 lores seem to be the 8 basic lores of magic, and slann being the oldest magic user it makes sense they use the oldest and basic lores, just can choose between any of them. also whats the point in having the brb lores if every army book gets their own lol.

    also light and life are ace, i dunno if i'd ever even chose our own lore. what could be better?
  12. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    Im not sure why we couldnt have a bolt thrower, seeing as though we have them already. I think a giant blowpipe weapon team, used like the skaven one would be plain old badass as well.
  13. Charistoph

    Charistoph New Member

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    I would like to see the Sacred Spawnings to return, even if just for the characters, along with the Spawnings to set a Skink Priest's available Lore.

    As for war machines...
    Something that provides a blast template attack would be nice, but I don't know how to fit it in, as the Skinks don't use a lot of machines that aren't connected to saurians.
  14. Hiv0r
    Chameleon Skink

    Hiv0r New Member

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    Urgh no custom-lizardman lore there really isn't any need. It just makes the game overly complicated, we have 8 great lores to use already.

    I think maybe something like the slann should get to pick what lore he has at the start of the game (but cannot use loremaster) would be really neat.
  15. Danger Goat

    Danger Goat New Member

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    We have artillery...mounted on the backs of freaking giant lizards! The giant bow could be a bit more powerful though.
  16. Batu

    Batu New Member

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    1. Totally disagree. The infantry in the LM army (saurus) is one of the very best. Certainly do not need ASF. Start doing that, might as well let them fly. Saurus do not need improving. Instead make the skink Cohort WS2 S3 T3 LA/Sh Spear no poison (like empire spearmen). Currenlty the Skink cohort is absolute junk in CC and gimme points to ANY competant opponent.

    2. LM lore. that would be great. All armies should have this.

    3. Again, not needed. Our next book will give us the same amount of magic items the TK / Orcs have. A banner of "you cant see me" would 1. be silly powerful, 2 not really doable in a tabletop game. 3. See 1

    4. We have salamanders, one of the best artty units in the game. why do we need to shoot 48"? that is the basic liabilty of the LM no long range shooting. Again, never happen and not needed.

    The only thing the LM need is a Close Combat Skink that is not pure crap. Base the skink cohort on the Empire Spearmen. Loose poison gain LA/Spear. Leave skink skirmisher the same.

    And a personal / Fluffy (NOT BROKEN) lore. Certainly do not need another lore of death in the game.

    We have the best/great infantry (saurus), great cavalry (can break infantry from the front) great artty (sally) great wizard (Slann).

    A Skink who can be upgraded to LVL 4 would be nice for the Non Slann Army. We can not have units that are the "best" or "great" in all phases of the game. Certainly do not need 48" + shooting. It is easy enough to win with the LM now, certainly do not need to give them catapults.
  17. Boo
    Jungle Swarm

    Boo New Member

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    Think Teradons works nicely as fast cavalry.
    As much as I'd like to strap a Lascannon to a carnosaur's head, I think we have a nice enough selection of monsters/warmachines. That being said the steg's bow could do with some reworking.

    Lastly I think Saurus should be able to ride some monterous cavalry, something between a cold one and a carnosaur.
  18. liath

    liath New Member

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    I believe they can, they are skirmishers - skirmishers can march and shoot. Their attack is a shooting attack...
  19. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Correct. In the lizardmen rule book it specifically says that the razordons cannot march and shoot. It does not say that about the salamander. Add that to the skirmishers rule and there you go. March and shoot.
  20. parrot
    Cold One

    parrot New Member

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    I would really like to see LM have some more monsters and maybe another unit of saurus(with great weapon or something like that)

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