I'm just curious if any of you have any suggestions to music that might fit the lizardmen theme. As to my own suggestion: "This is War" by Ill Nino.
Ah Ill Nino would be pretty sweet. Maybe 'I Stand Alone' by Godsmack? No wait, I've got it: 'Roboturner' by Between the Buried and Me
In my last battle i had a vision of my musicians drumming to We will rock you and another one bites the dust both by queen but they proberbly wouldn't fit in well
Mine crush my foes to "The Bridge Of Khazad Dum" by Howard Shore on the Lotr: Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack. Classical all the way!
Lol! I would love to see a saurus regiment throw down their weapons hitn' it to da groove An animation anyone?
Can't use thriller, that's a default for the Vampire Counts. Watching Temple Guard perform it (Slann optional) would be rather amusing, but the zombies would just do it better.