7th Ed. Lizardmen v tomb kings 2 on 2 4500 pts (2250 each player)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by lazylizard, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. lazylizard
    Temple Guard

    lazylizard New Member

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    so my fellow lizardmen and i will be taking on the tomb kings. he plans on bringing a slann with 20 TG and an engine. so here is what i plan on bringing. please let me know because i have never defeated the tomb kings!!!!!
    we plan on using the slann as the general

    skink priest
    lv2, EotG, dispell, diadiem

    skink priest
    lv2, dispell, rod of storm(thinking about switching for another dispell, meaning this is 3 turns our lizards won't get affected by the casket of soul)

    skink chief
    baby steg, warspear

    CO, halberd, LA, SH

    18 saurus
    spears, m, sb

    18 saurus
    spears, m, sb

    10 skink skirmishers

    10 skink skirmishers

    5 cold one riders

    11/1 skrox

    11/1 skrox

    3 razordons (but i was think about 3 salamanders but i know that they don't take panic test and also st3 won't do me any good. i want razordons to take out the charriots that i know the other players are going to bring)

    i want to move my skinks up past his blocks to try and take out warmachines/at least block line of sight. i want the skrox to fight in the flanks, and i want to be able to charge his ushabis with both my stegadons. do you guys think the stegadons will win that match?? 2 stegadons (2D6+1 S5 and 1D6+1 S6) i know that its only T4 but man, they seem so hard to kill, but having the EotG will help in its Str5 burning alignment. but these 2 guys are very experienced with tomb kings, i mean they don't miss a beat.


    i know they other is going to bring an engine, slann, 20 TG, (2) 18 saurus, cold ones, terradons. knowing all this, maybe you guys can help me out.
  2. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    the swarms will die if they charge anything alone, and if they don't you can probably get free CR from them. same with the scropion, alone he will die but if he charges with chariots aswell you have a problem. the best part is that you can out-magic him if you had 2x slann. otherwise you might not be able to stop their magic and they will outmanouvre you. also take in account the fact that you have to kill the 3 skeleton crew and the catapult to be able to eliminate the war machine, otherwise he will just resurect them. if the catapult is still standing he can resurect the crew, if at least 1 crew member is still standing he can resurect the crew and the catapult.
    also, just try to kill the 2 hierophants. you might want bane head + wall of fire on 1 slann (or both if you both decide to bring a slann). if the spell goes off on the unit the hierophant is in he will probably die on a roll of 3+. they will have at least 1 Tomb King so 1 hierophant will have 2 wounds, while the other may decide to bring a high priest for magic power but less chariots. in a 2v2 game i think they can afford to have 1 of them use chariots as special for 3D6 power level incantations.
    you might also want to consider a JSoD with a piranha blade for the same reason, if that guy gets into base to base with his hierophant and he doesn't have a champion to challenege you in base to base you will again take out a hierophant and from that point its just wait and let him crumble

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