It was me against an Empire army and the game went very well and it was a lot of fun. Considering we were there for 5 and a half hours. In the first turn of the game both my Razordon units rolled misfires and ate all three of the handlers. The game went back and forth, no real combat happening until the bottom of turn 4 where there were probably a total of 15 charges from the Empire army. It was seesawing until I had a stroke of luck and my Saurus broke and fled from a charge from 2 steam tanks, and fled through my blocks of Saurus and temple guard who were engaged with his Lord and Priest and his Empire Great swords. They popped out to the right of the combat. The reason this was lucky was because they rallied, and blocked my flank of the Temple Guard from the Charge of his inner circle knights. If he had got that charge off, regardless on how strong the TG are, they would get run down. This allowed my Lord on a Carnosaur to charge his Unit in the flank in combat with my temple guard, eventually causing them to break and the two units to collide into other units including his Pope-Mobile. His inner circle charge my Saurus to the front who had lost about 7 or 8 soldiers to the steam tanks, but regardless held, proctecting my already weakened battle line. Though I had ruffed his up pretty badly too. It was my magic that helped out the most though. Those events were probably the ones that caused the outcome of the game. The game ended with a draw in my favor.