Link to the Lizardmen Warscroll: Link for all the warscrolls: Chaos Dwarves Warscroll: Link for the Scenery Scroll: White Dwarf That Features AoS models, fluff, and rules: Alternate link to Lizardmen scroll case pdf version doesn't work: Alternate link to the 4-page rule book: Unofficial Erata of Sigmar Errata and Scenarios.pdf?dl=0
it's ... very different. PS. so, we are Celestials & Demons ??. (angels ?) pps. looks like the slan can summon most scrolls (summon saurus come on the saurus scroll)
I am going to say that, to me, this looks so much more beer and nuts compared to 8th ed. Which, is not a bad thing. Got an hour?? Slam some random shit down and roll some dice. Oh and now Slann fly, always and SUMMON Old Bloods!!!!
Heck, Slann summon *everything*! And they can make pretty much anything in the army fly! I'll be plopping a Slann in between 4 Bastiladons ... 3+ rerollable saves ignoring rend! And 4 lazer blasts a turn!
So maybe this is just so far outside the old warhammer box that my poor little brain can't figure it out... There are no points? So I could just field a massive unit of... oh I don't know... let's say Temple Guard. Here is my first unit, bam, fifty temple guard. Oh, and my second unit will be another 50 kroxigor. What am I missing here?
I know a cheese: Put three Slann down... You then get to declare a "Sudden Death" objective.... Then - SUMMON YOUR LEGIONS!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHHAA*Croak*AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!
To be honest I'm not quite sure how this game is supposed to work. I've fully read the main rules (4 pages) and skimmed through various warscrolls. Even assuming that two players get together with the full intention of playing a fair and balanced game, how do they do it? How can two players balance their armies against one another (other than through repetitive trial and error)? I can't see how this game is supposed to work even in the most fair and friendliest of environments, let alone in a situation where someone deliberately wants to win at all costs. Am I missing some key piece of information?
Yea, I read everything a few times and have NO IDEA how you are supposed to balance armies against each other ?
Two words: BE GROWN-UPS There are people who play this game who analyze price/earnings ratios for stocks, or optimize database storage, or balance server space, or index jet fuel futures, or do data mining... ...if people like that can't derive a "Fighting Value" number for a wargame model I will eat my hat. I could probably come up with something that would work, and I was an art major.
I think the "armies" at the end of each faction "Warscroll" is supposed to be "balanced." Just because that is the only "strict" form of army composition.
That is optimistic to say the least. Though I would highly disagree for numerous reasons... It will not be so easy to come up with a proper "Fighting Value" for every model that could potentially come into play (which is why there are balance issues in most if not all wargaming systems) not everyone works in fields that might lend them the skills to accurately come up with a fair system... and even if they do, they might not want to waste endless hours doing it (shouldn't this be done by the creator of the game) each time you would play a new player, you would have to negotiate/create the "Fighting Value" again the issue of bias & differing opinions... it's usually best when the "Fighting Value" comes from a neutral authority (like GW?) And the best for last... wargaming is notorious for bringing about child-like behavior even in adults... or especially in adults (a quick tour of some warhammer forums will quickly uncover heated rules debates, name calling, rules lawyering, etc.)
But what would one of them balance with? Would a Skink patrol balance against a Peasant Militia? (From the only two I have open ATM)
Even if they did (which I am very doubtful of)... who wants to be stuck playing a set list with no customization? Maybe for a game or two at most, but that would get old very quickly in my opinion.
No. Never. Because the system of declaring points swiftly becomes a tool to drive sales. BIASED If only GW was neutral. If true balanced armies are the goal, it has to be designed by those it benefits. The players NOT the purveyors of the models.