8th Ed. Lizardmens VS Dwarfsh

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Bronzebeard, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Bronzebeard
    Jungle Swarm

    Bronzebeard New Member

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    hi I and my brother played a match this weekend an he played dwarfs.
    the points we played: 1100
    my list
    saurus scar vet:
    gw+cold one+armor of"somthink"(6+ ward) and soulstone ( both is in the rulebook)

    Skink preast: lvl2 + cloac of feather + diadem of power

    9 skink
    9 skink know its not legal, but it was all the figures i got.
    10 skink
    22 saurus war+spear

    coc 5x sun standar of chotec
    5 chamelon skink + stalker

    first round: i ended up losin
    second round: i won by 100 points

    what tactic shud i used?

    i used my skinks to blast his wariors to heaven, and my wariors just got shooten down, i used my coc and vet to take his dwarf lord. my wining move was comet of cansadora, kille the half army.

    so any sugests?

    Sorry for bad grammar.
  2. thenick

    thenick New Member

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    get over the board asap and dont try to outshoot them. but be weary as the yare good in combat too really. Just try and out manouver so when you get to combat it goes your way iwth flanks etc. and magic will be a big help if you get the right spells off. just draw his displling out with first spell or two then crack the big spell last
  3. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Dwarfs are insanely strong, so generally speaking;

    - Get in combat: His warmachines will table you by Turn 3 if you let him. Get into his blocks, you shut down most of his heavy hitters.

    - Buff the hell out of Saurus/TG: Trade your Core for his Core, and your TG for his Longbeards/Hammerers. 'Speed of Light' AOE is great, 'Pha's Protection' will shut down his warmachines and make his blocks less effective in combat, 'Mindrazor' on TG is fantastic.

    - Hex then nuke: Burn out his stupid dispel runes early on, then he's only got magic resistance to fall back on (no really). In burning out the dispel runes, also try and burn out his dispel dice. Slann with Loremaster and 'Rumination' will easily burn out his defenses by Turn 2 at latest. 'Pit' and 'Dwellers' will wreck his infantry, especially if they first get hit by 'Miasma' or 'Enfeeble' first, respectively. 'Dwellers' is the weapon of choice for annihilating the full retard Oathstone+200 Longbeards Deathrock some Dwarf players indulge in, with no flanks.

    - Salamanders: Worth their weight in gold. He has no ward saves at all on any of his infantry, and although you wound on 5's due to T4, you still ignore armour on his Core and Hammerers hate you. Use them to soften up his blocks before engaging in combat. If he wastes cannonballs sniping them down, you're ahead.

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