Well, my friend plays a Thorek Gunline. With multiple cannons, an organ gun, bolt throwers and a big line of Thunderers. It's painful. I was wondering what was the best way to deal with that. I was maybe thinking a bunch of Stegadons and a Carnosaur. I didn't know if reducing his targets and making them tougher would be better than a high volume of troops. I was also thinking, eventhough I wouldn't cast much of anything, to bring a Priest on an EoTG or two...that D6 no armour saves sounds pretty enticing against Dwarves. Anyways, any input would be great. Thanks!
easiest way is to tell your friend to stop being a jerk and play something other then a gunline army run at least one EotG for the ward save against ranged attacks... that will help a lot use terrain to your advantage like trees get a slann hide him behind terrain and use a flying skink for line of sight to cast spells either of the Heavens lightning bolts if he wants to be a cheesy army player then just be magic cheesy and hope he misuses his dispel dice
Thorek is utterly broken. EotG is pretty solid in any list, I'd bring two of them if he brings Thorek. The good thing about the Carnosaur is that it is not a large target. This means Wrath and Ruin cannot be targetted at him EVER. Just have to find a way to screen your carno until he can get into the action. Multiple terradon units of at least 4 would be helpful in taking down his warmachines early. If I recall, Thorek doesn't have the best armor, but his hammer destroys magical armor of any target he hits.
Ok my tip on taking down any gun line PIT OF SHADES, they must take a I. Test mostly dwarfs may fail but their Cannons don't have any I. so the Guns fall into the abyss lol. Its a bit cheesy but hey Gun lines are Cheesy too.
Hmm. I'll look into the lore of shadows as I'm not too familiar with it. Also, I'm hesitant on magic against the little guys. But then again, I don't really know all the things they get to dispel. Anyone else more learned on the subject?
Give the Slann the extra dice to use when casting, also pring in lots of skink priests and hopefully they can get off a comet or two placed on the cannnons, then just hide until the cannons are destroyed.
Dwarves get 4 dispel dice starting out. A Runelord adds a further 2, and his anvil adds one more. Thorek is a Runelord and brings an anvil. So you are looking at least at 7 dispel dice. Now if he wants dispel scrolls, he will have to add a Runesmith, since Thorek can't be upgraded and doesn't start with any dispel scrolls. Technically dwarves call them Runes of Spellbreaking, though they cost the same. So he'll probably have a Runesmith which adds another dispel die for a total of 8, as well as 1-2 scrolls. If he doesn't bring a Runesmith scroll-caddy, your Slann should be able to get a couple big spells off by overwhelming him with dice. A final note is the Dwarf Magic Phase. Dwarves generate 2 power dice in their magic phase like any other army. The only problem is they have no spells! However, dwarves can use these two power dice to dispel "remains in play" effects just like any other army can use excess power dice to do the same. As to the Lore of Shadows, yes it is pretty scary when Pit of Shades is rolled up. Pit of Shades uses the small round template of a stone thrower, so sometimes things that are too big to be completely covered escape insta-doom. If it's a partial cover, you have to roll a 4+ for a hit like a stone thrower. Apart from warmachines, hammerers make a good target. Also, the anvil of doom can't be destroyed but the Runelord and guards can.
A group of Terradons, with a correctly placed wood on the field, can be sure to give your Dwarven opponent hell as you Drop Rocks on top of his battery line and at least cause a distraction for your troops to run up.
if you go magic heavy he really can't stop everything but then your basically getting into a ranged battle which is not a good thing with a dwarf gun line take the EotG for the ranged save and get lots of bodies you can reasonably get 60 saurus with a EotG which with a ward save is alot of tough troops hitting his line
That guy is a dick, for anybody who uses Thorek should be shot himself .It is a borring game.You could just stick 2 big hill in th middle of the table.That would spot that gun line.In the Ireland Gt there was 5 Thorek armys so i played 2 of them.
My army ended up looking like this: Saurus oldblood on carno -blade of revered tzunki -carno pendant -shield/l.a. Skink priest on EoTG x2 -one has a wardrum Skink chief on stegadon -war-spear 30skink skirmishers in 3 units 10 terradons 3 units (two 3's and one 4)
Only restriction in the book is "Skink or Saurus". I don't see why a mounted guy couldn't take one, though of course if he's riding a Carnosaur they both become frenzied anyway from the Carno's special rule.
How about using Tetto'eko? Comet becomes irresistible force if you roll any double (other than miscast). I think Comet is better than Shadow Spell, since it can effect a lot of units in one shot... If he use gun line, his units should be packed quite tightly.