hello all! I am on the hunt and searching for unique and fun variations on the standard GW lizardmen models. The group I am in has only ever played 40k but in the last few months our love for table top gaming has expanded. something about having one special and diferent model in each unit kind of like a leader really appeals to me. and since no one else is our group has their fantasy armies ready yet we have been returning to the old but lovable mordheim. I like my models to look the best on the table, as we all know that gives them a 10% boost, so if any one knows of some truly awesome models/sculpts I would be very excited to see and hear about them! infact, it was a post by woogity that brought me here with those sick models of his, here is crossing my fingers I get one of them! in the mean time let me see what you have and where I can find it! the crazier the better!
Here are some of my Skink zombies I can't find the threads but somewhere there are Chameleon Skinks that are mostly shrubs. There is a Bastiladon with a Carnosaur head that looks so good you can barely tell the source of the bit swap. There is a electric Slann with glowing eyes. An electric Bastiladon with a flashlight for the Solar Engine. I can show you ZaGreekies themed army of awesome