I´ve been thinking in a tatica with Lord Kroak, I do not made it the complete list, but I´m thinking in somenthing that can be really power... Well the idea is a Lord Kroak, surrounded by 15 Temple Guard and Chakax, the unit is Unbreakble and can give much pain as can take it... With this, 2 skink priests, 1lv, with nothing more that a cloack of feathers, 1th turn you send it one inside the opponets army and use the telepathy to use 4 or 5 times the magic of Kroak, 2th turn you send it another priest inside and do exactly the same thing, by the time os the third turn, Kroak and his protectors will be inside the enemy army... With the new points cost I can see with this army one or two saurus, or a kroxigor unit... 30 or 40 skinks... What do you think ??? Cheers
wont work cause if im correct then telepathy only allows to use magic missiles thru skink priest. and ruination of lands isnt a missile
They are all right I'm afraid. But with Kroak, a bunch of TG and even Chakax you should be able to march just straight ahead into the enemy and cast his spell anyway without the need of wasting your priests. If you invest as much pts as it takes to field this awsome unit, you would deffinetly like to see CC and not hold back at all!