8th Ed. Lore of Death after faq

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by AdzAxeUK, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. AdzAxeUK

    AdzAxeUK New Member

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    after latest faq 1.6 it has made me look in to lore of death alot more than normal!

    basicly slann with +1LD banner is LD10 for the purpus of spells from that lore and if you D+D a unit with say BSB in it that modle is at -3 to is LD for the purpus of spells from lore of death so LD10 +d6 v ld10 -3 +d6 (at best) this gives us very good options at killing BSB, heralds lvl4's off easy, with out including bane head

    but the biggest one is frog scroll (forget propper name one in BRB) turnes a wizard in to a frog makeing most stats 1 (most importantly LD1) you cast this scroll on a greater deamon, chaos disk rider, other lizardmen solo slanns skaven gray seer (normaly highest LD in the unit) but this gives us LD10 + d6 v LD1 +d6 also giveig a almost garenteed dead wizard.

    as you all know killing off ther general and bsb gives us a huge advantege in game (salamanders panic)

    what are peoples thorghts on this i know its a bit cheezy and wount be to every ones tast will be something id expect in competative play tho

  2. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    doesnt the spirit leach spell say on the 'unmodified leadership' ??
  3. AdzAxeUK

    AdzAxeUK New Member

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    Ferocious this was correct before the latest FAQ GW has vhanged it so that unmodified LD is the highest LD in the UNIT after modifires (i lknow confusing)

    so unmodifide LD = modifide LD

    so you can get ld10 spirit leaches granted if you have a wizard ld7 in a unit with general ld10 the wizard uses ld10 for the test NOT his LD of 7
  4. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    ah okay, cool than :d
  5. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    The new FAQ is very interesting with respect to modified leadership, could be useful

    However I am not convinced by the frog scroll,

    Firstly it costs 50 pts and is arcane, so to take it on a slann it means no cupped hands, and because it is 50, if you give it it to a priest, that priest is purely brought for this scroll so it is over 100 points for one thing.

    Secondly it is only useful on a solo wizard, so for a tournament build you are relying seeing a solo wizard over the 5 or 6 games, if not, wasted points

    Thirdly, they have to roll greater than their wizard level, so 33% for a level 4 or 66% for a level 2, not great odds

    It then relies on you getting spirit leech off, this must surely be obvious to your opponent what you are doing and they will surely dispell with everything they can

    I just think for the points/usefulness/ chance of it happening it isn't worth it, doom and darkness followed by spirit leech is far more efficient and useful in all cases
  6. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    bane head spirit leech bsb is enough in my concerns =) just need to cause one wound, and in wich case the bsb dies, the sallies win the game, i tried this with a 1500 list before this new faq, and it was a bit harder

    but my intrest is growing again ...

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