I was wondering if this tactic would work. Can I cast shield of thorns on a different unit each round of the game and it remains in play on all those units (baring my opponent dispelling it)? I've only ever casted it on one unit, but it is one of those spells that could be casted in the first turn using one or 2 dice and the opponent could forget about it while trying to deal with other spells. Just wondering.
As far as i'm aware, you can't cast a spell if it is remains in play until it is dispelled. otherwise you could in theory cast throne of vines twice and get toughness 12 Temple Guard!!!!!! How awesome would that be???!!!!! Yours Aye Mixer
I'm fairly certain you can have more than one remains in play spell at a time so long as the spell is cast on seperate units. So yeah, you could cast it on all your infantry and watch it wittle away your opponents!
Tried casting thorns on a second unit at a tournament this weekend and my opponent was very certian you can only have one instance of a spell out at anyone time. Makes sense to me, would be pretty broke if you could spread it everywhere
please post the rules that say you cant because im going to use life this saturday turney and i need to win this time no you cant in brb in remains in play its written that you cant cast it in next roundfs... pitty.
Ogres get to stack their Gut spells only because they aren't actually Remains In Play (though you can dispel them as if they were). The first 8th ed. Ogre FAQ did away with the line in their army book that kept them from being able to do it. It's a good advantage, but the Ogres need all the help they can get.
heres the kicker gentlemen...what about two slann with loremaster:life . if you want multiple shields, thats the way to go. double dwellers isnt bad either....
Double dwellers is great but i'm pretty sure you still can't have 2 of the same remains in play on the go at once. Yours Aye Mixer
I'd have to disagree mixer in the rule book page 36 it says that "The ""Wizard"" can continue to cast other spells (but not the same remains in play spell in subsequent turns)." So if you have two slanns in play then you can have to remain in play spells going at the same time. Different wizards different spells
Oh ok, i take it back then. Interesting, i was under the impression if say throne of vines was already in play, you couldn't cast it again until it was dispelled. but i guess it makes sense if you have two slaan. Yours Aye Mixer
If you read page 490 near the bottom left, you'll see that you can't duplicate spells in the same army. It lists the exceptions as being, "unless you have no choice", which is vague but I wouldn't think the Slann can break this rule, since you do have the choice of taking a different lore with each Slann.
If one slann is a lore master and the other is not, you could do it. The lore master has no choice whereas the other slann can roll for his spells. Granted, some could see that as cheesy, but it would work. It would be the same if your loremaster slann took lore of heavens with a priest in the army.
Taking a specific lore is a choice in itself just as taking loremaster is also a choice. Also if you were to take two Slann, you'd be crazy to WANT to duplicate in the first place! Think of all the insane synergistic effects... Lore of shadows strength curse followed by dwellers below for example. In the case of a heavens Slann, I'd say the skink priest would only get the signature spell, since you can actually duplicate that one. The rules on that same page I listed also state that you actually lose your extra spell slots if they would be duplicates.
But in that case, it would not apply to the skink priest as the slann does not chose his spells. There can be duplicative spells this way. I'm not saying that I would go with lore of heavens, but I did run an army where I took Tehehuin (beasts) and a lore of beasts slann. On another note, the transformation of Kadon is a huge pain in the a$$ to get off at the higher casting value for a lvl 2 priest.
Unfortunately, you can't duplicate like this. It says in the BRB duplicates are authorized in some cases for non-randomized spells (such as DE's Power of Darkness) or an Army Book that authorizes it (such as VCs). You could take a Loremaster and another Mage with the same Lore...but the non-Loremaster mage could not get a single spell because once he went to roll 'randomly' to get a spell- they would already all be taken up by the Loremaster spell-hog, as per the first caveat above.
BS. Loremaster falls in the "has no choice what spells he knows" category and thus is ignored for generating.
After further research on the question, I stand corrected. You can run a Loremaster and another wizard on the same Lore with no issues.