8th Ed. Lore of light net spell

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by strewart, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I used lore of light for the first time last night, and came up with a few awkward questions in terms of its effect, particularly the net spell. The spell is essentially every time the unit hexed tries to do something (move, charge, shoot, cast a spell) it must pass a strength test. If it fails, the action doesn't happen and the unit takes d6 s3 hits.

    Firstly, movement. The hexed unit declares a charge, it fails its strength test thus the charge automatically doesn't happen. Is the unit then allowed to attempt to move in the remaining moves phase, or is the failed test covering all its movement?

    Secondly, magic. The test happens for every spell I assume, but if it is failed what is the consequence? A few options:
    -It counts as magic, so the first failed test means no more magic can be attempted from the wizard hexed.
    -It counts as failing to cast a spell thus that wizard can no longer attempt to cast in that magic phase, and the dice to be used for that spell are lost.
    -It counts as failing to cast a spell, the dice that were going to be used are lost, that particular spell cannot be attempted again.
    -It does not count as failing to cast a spell since it wasn't even attempted, the dice are retained but that spell cannot be attempted to be cast (since the S test was failed)
    -It doesn't even count as trying to cast the spell, so the wizard may attempt to cast it again and just takes the hits.

    The last option seems stupid and not really likely at all. For the purpose of the game, we agreed that that particular spell could not be attempted again, but no dice were lost and the rest of the magic continued as normal. Any thoughts?
  2. Idura

    Idura New Member

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    1: I'd say no, if you fail the str test you can't move and take d6 hits. As far as i know charge is still a move so its not like you can try to move again later in the same phase, then the purpose of the spell would be stupid... If that's the case i can try to argue that if i failed the test to move, i can take a new test to march? Movement phase is still movement phase... I'd still allow the unit a test for shooting in that phase or spells in the magic phase if it had a spellcaster in it, but that too can be argued about. At least no more movement in the remaining moves phase. Can't support it with rules though, just how we play it. If my opponent argued that he could take a new test in the remaining moves phase i'd call rules lawyering :). I don't think that's how it is supposed to work.

    2: Nominate the spellcaster, before you cast the spell you notice he has a hex on him that commands him to do a strenght test before attempting any spell, move, shoot. Do str test and fail and we play it as option nr 1 in my group. You tried, you failed, no more magic from that unit. Else the point of the spell would be silly (which it might as well be since it's G&W). But if you allow him to do more tests for every spell then there is no reason why he should'nt be able to take several tests to move right?

    Can i add a question about the test in itself? If you throw it on a unit with a lord/hero in it, the whole unit tests on his Str right?
  3. Syltaryn

    Syltaryn New Member

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    I'm pretty sure the unit uses the majority strength for attribute tests, not the highest. So you'd generally test on the rank and file models strength unless the spell affected models individually like dwellers, etc.
  4. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Regarding charging and movement, if the spell description lists moving and charging separately then you can retest to move after failing to charge as the spell is specifically listing them as seperate events, taking two sets of damage if both fail.

    Re casting spells: iirc the spell description says "spells" rather than magic so each spell is different. A wizard can attempt to cast each spell he has, if he passes test then pool dice are used etc., if he fails then unit takes damage for each fail.

    WHFB has no mechanic for majority of unit for characteristic, it is either per part of model, best on model or best in unit. In this case I believe it is best in unit as it is a unit test, e.g. skink on EotG would use steggie's 6 Str rather than his own 3 when casting spell.

    I may be wrong as not with books to check.
  5. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    FAQ has covered this, use highest Strenght in the unit if unit must take a strenght test
  6. Ailideon

    Ailideon New Member

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    How about on war machines? In the book it says war machines fail all characteist, save for toughness and leadership. But the crew actually has a str value. So can the crew use their str value to try to pass the test?
  7. TheRolfgar
    Chameleon Skink

    TheRolfgar New Member

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    No they can't. The crew are only used for close combat fighting. "warmachines fail all characteristic tests, save for toughness and leadership" They auto fail the Net, and cannot shoot. If they could use the crews stats the auto fail limitation would not need to be there.
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm thats a potentially very good use. Of course, with the net spell on the warmachine they won't even try to activate it so no damage will be taken, but it will stop it shooting anyway.
  9. Battlehamster

    Battlehamster New Member

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    I had this very discussion the other day on how net works, especially on magic. I wish there were some FAQ that could answer this once and for all (who knows maybe it is in there).

    Also I forgot about the auto fail for warmachine attribute tests. This will be another way I can (hopefully) shut down those mean cannon ball shots that love to one-shot my poor stegadons on turn one.

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