8th Ed. LoS in skirmisher units.

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Khaluk, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Khaluk

    Khaluk Member

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    I'm not sure if I have overread that part, but how does it work?

    Can a character benefit from the 2+ lookoutsir in a skirmisher unit, if he is the same trooptype, but not neccesarily have the same base size?

    Can a character mounted on a terradon/ripper or a coldone, still benefit from the +4 lookoutsir, if he stays within 6" of a skirmisher unit?

    A mounted character, will allways have the 4+ lookoutsir, if he is within a unit, right?
    Does this still apply, if he leaves the unit, but stays near (6"?)

    The reason I'm asking, is that I want my mounted characters to stay safe, in the first round, before they can reach enemy line.
  2. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Skirmishing doesn't impact look out.
    If a character is the same troop type (infantry/cavalry/monstrous infantry, etc) he gets a 2+ if he is in the unit.
    If he is a different troop type than the unit he is in, he does not get a look out at all.
    If he is all alone, but near a unit of the same type, he gets a 4+ look out.

    Skirmishers have additional restrictions about who can join. A character on a mount cannot join a skirmishing unit.

    An Old Blood or Scar Vet on foot could join a skirmishing skink unit and gain a 2+ look out.
    They could stand near the unit and gain a 4+ look out.
    If they are mounted on a cold one, they cannot join, and would not get a look out.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Khaluk

    Khaluk Member

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    Thank you for clarifying this for me :)
    It helped a lot! Now I can plan my moves even better!

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