8th Ed. Lots of questions about everything!

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Libina, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Libina

    Libina New Member

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    Okay I just had a fight with my friend who plays empire and alot of questions came up.

    First of all I was playing my slann with the lore of life cause I heard it was good, but I couldn't quite figure out if the restored wound from regrowth (and lifebloom for that matter) actually could ressurrect a modle, or if it simply just heals a wound on a modle still alive.

    Secondly we got in a bit of a messy fight. I had to mig blocks of saurus warriors of which one of them get charged by some guys (can't remember the name of them, but I sure it doesn't matter). Anyway these guys had two attatched units which instantly flanked me in the charge. So I have a large block of saurus warriors covered from three sides, and I move my other block of saurus up and attack one of the attatched units from the rear.
    My question is now: How do you solve combat resolution in this mess and does each of his attatched units give 1+ for charging and 1+ for flanking? Furthermore I'd like to know if these attached units are placed at the same time as the unit they are attached to in the beginning, or if you place them one at a time.

    Now about my stegadon. I couldn't find anything in my codex about it have this stomp/thunderstomp effect, but in the rulebook it is described as being of the unit type monster. Do all monsters have the thunderstomp ability or am I completly wrong? Also does the jungle poison ability apply on the stegadons attack or just the skink crew?

    I know this post is getting long, but I was also wondering if you were allowed to have more of the same 'remains in play' spell active at the same time? I wanted to use that thorny shield ability on multiple units at the same time, but wasn't sure if I was allowed.
    Now that we're at 'remains in play' abilities I'd also like to know when my opponent is allowed dispelling these? at his own magic phase or in both magic phases? And if it can be done in my magic phase, will he then have to do it in the beginning or at any time he wants to?

    I know theres alot of questions, but I'm yet a new player and I've almost worn out my rulebook looking for for this stuff to bother you the least, but I couldn't seem to find it. I hope you guys can help me and thanks for taking the time to read this. :)
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    1. You can only heal a multi-wound model with the lore attribute. Heroes, Lords, Salamanders, razordons, Kroxigors, Carnasaur, and stegadon (not the crew).

    2. I know as far as combat rez goes, the charge bonus can only be +1. I would say that the same would be for the flank, so only a 1+ for that as well. The charge machanics for those units I am unsure of. I assume that it is an Empire army as to my knowledge they are the only army that can have attached units. Skaven can attach guns, but I do not think they usually charge with the parent unit.

    3. The stegadon gets thunderstomps. All monsters do. However, you cannot stomp Cavalry, Monstrous infantry or monstrous beasts. Also, you cannot stomp a unit that is a special (or unique) type. This includes skrox units (skinks with Kroxigors) and a screaming bell in a unit of rats (whatever kind they are).

    4. Jungle poison only applies ot the ranged attacks from the skinks (or character) riding the stegadon.

    5. You can only have one remains in play spell for that caster at a given time. So, in order to have two of the shield of thorns, you would need two slanns.

    6. Dispelling remains in play spells. They cannot be dispelled in your magic phase when you cast them. They can be dispelled in any magic phase after that. (i.e. you cast throne of vines. Your oppenent cand spend his casting dice to dispell it or he can wait until your magic phase and dispell it before you cast your first spell.

    Hope this helps. Welcome to the forum and remember that there is no dumb question. You cannot ask too many questions either, so if you have more, let us know.
  3. Libina

    Libina New Member

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    Yeah alright, really helped me out. :) I'm still wondering if you by 'lore attribute' in answer one only mean lifebloom? If that's the case, can regrowth be used to ressurrect sigle wound modles? Also if you are allowed healing heroes, but not skink crew, can you heal a skink priest an a steagdon? :p

    Anyways thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, it really helped to clear some things up.
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Regrowth can be used to raise single wound models. In the case of stegadon, if you cast it on that unit, the stegadon is healed first, then the crew. In the case of the priest on top, I would probably apply the lore attribute to him. When you use regrowth, the first model is always the champion in the unit (unless there are multi-wound models in the unit). When you have multi-wound models in a unit (Kroxigors or stegadon), you heal them first, then move to single wound models.
  5. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Lifebloom = Life lore attribute.

    Lifebloom can only heal wounded models as dead models are removed and cannot be in range limit.

    Regrowth can resurrect single wound models as long as part of their unit still exists within spell range.

    Regrowth can heal non-character skink crew on character mount steggies but not the steggie itself, however, it can heal both the crew and the steggie on non-character mount steggies as the limitation on the spell only applies to CHARACTER mounts not non-character mounts, the steggie would be raised to full wounds before any crew were resurrected.
  6. Libina

    Libina New Member

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    Aleight I think I got it now. Seems that we've been using lifebloom a littles wrong then but shit happens. Anyway thanks to both of you, your answers has been very helpful. :)
  7. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Just keep in mind regrowth can't be used on characters or their mounts.
  8. Libina

    Libina New Member

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    Alright, thanks for mentioning it. :)
  9. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Arli is correct, both Charge and Flank bonuses to Combat Resolution are only applied once for one unit that has been charged. It's on page 59 of the Big Rulebook.

    Good luck in your future games!
  10. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    If two units on one side are both charged in flank CR bonus is +2, even if both are chaged in flank by same unit. 3 different units in combat flank charged then bonus is +3, or +6 if you rear charge all 3.
  11. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    im afraid not mr Frog. as already mentioned, it is clearly stated on page 59 that you can only gain the flank (and charge) bonus once (even if you have several unit charging several flanks), not once for each unit. however, this is badly phrased on page 53, so at first i thought you were indeed right.

    also, it seems that you can gain a flank bonus OR a rear bonus, not both. (page 59 again)
  12. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Lets lok at the relevant paragraph on page 59:
    "Bonuses for flank and rear attack can only be earned once per unit attacked in the flank or rear - having multiple units attacking the same unit does not grant additional bonuses."

    Note the use of the word "unit" and not "combat" in this rule on multiple unit combats, i.e. it doesn't matter how much a single unit suffers from flank attacks but in a multiple unit combat the bonus adds if multiple units are suffering from flank attacks.

    Regarding adding the bonus for both flank and rear attacks, I agree the text is ambiguous in this paragraph and can be read as either allowing or disallowing flank and rear bonusses to be combined. However, the text of the rules on pg 52 and 53 is clear that flank and rear bonuses add and the text on pg59 does not unambiguously change this.
  13. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    i dont get your reasoning at all im afraid. if your opponent has one unit, and you are fighting that unit from two flanks (because you are awesome) you would recieve +1 to combat. just the same as if you were attacking only one flank.

    if you have a combat with three of your units and two of the opponents: the two enemy units are fighting the front of your TG for example, and you have one unit of saurus in the flank of each of the enemy units you would get +2, cause he has 2 units who both suffer from a flank attack.

    maybe we are saying the same thing :D
  14. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    You are.

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