Couple of questions before i decide on a paint scheme for my models. 1) Are there desert area's in Lustria? 2) If there are, do the Lizardmen have cities in those area's? or could they have cities in those areas?
There are some open plains on the southern most tip of lustria near the citadel of dusk, as well as some plains at the south end of the turtle islands (but still on the mainland) across the mountains from Itza, near Xhotl. But no deserts to be found. Shouldn't stop you form making desert lizzies though. its your army, make them look how you want. you can make up some fluff later.
Ya I agree with Apollo. All my lizards come from swamps and marshes, and I've invented my own city for that. So if you want desert lizards do them, and they will be all the cooler for it.
There is the great dessert of Khemri and Araby north of the Southlands. I remember reading some GW fluff (probably when the 6th ed. book came out) of a Lizardmen expedition to recover stolen artifacts from the Tomb Kings of Khemri. Very interesting details about Stegadons with giant barrels of water and other such stuff.
Alright folks. I have decided on a paint scheme for this I think. I am going to have to go with easy to get paints right now. So a question really fast first. Are Testors Acrylics usable on both Plastic and Metal models? And now for my background fluff for my army. The area of the desert they are in was warp blasted by chaos. The Lizardmen city in the area was abandoned for years until recently in which there was a Great Spawning, mixed between normal spawning and Sacred Spawnings of Chotec. They have returned to the city and a Slann (will be most likely 3rd generation) has arrived to help lead the city back to prosperity. Going to call my army the Host of Kai'Tlax. Using the wording and language info from the Army Book, this means Lost City. figured it would fit.
Hey dude, that sounds awesome, I look forward to seeing your paint jobs. As for the paint question I am not sure?