Ok, I´m starting off a new project a deathstar and I want my characters on (mostly) foot. I will update this thread with small battle reports. Please come with advice, reflections, questions and so on. We mostly play with etc style comp. Slann, bsb, banner of swiftness, earthing rod, soul of stone, feather foe torc, beast. Oldblood, la, enchanted shield, dawnstone, sword of anti-heroes Scarvet, Other tricksters shard, armor of fortune, halberd. Scarvet, armor of destiny, halberd Scarvet, talisman of preservation, la, halberd Skinkpriest, lvl 1 scroll 35 Sarus, fc 3*10 Skinkskirmishers, 1 with blowpipe. 29 Templeguard, full command, jaguar standard. Bastilodon solarengine 9 Chameleonskinks… So a few points left to play around with, this Is more of a what if list. It´s slow and probably totally crap and boring. I only have one skink character so the deathstar will probably be led around the table. First game on Thursday against Ogres.
You'd be surprised at how well this type of list performs. I've been running a similar one, with 1 scar vet, a toned down slann, and an OB with armor of destiny, dawnstone, and a great weapon. In place of the other 2 scar vets and Bastiladon, I have some salamanders, 2x5 Chameleons, and more bodies in the TG and Saurus blocks. It's essentially the same list I used with the old book, and it performs almost exactly the same with the added magic flexibility, despite the loss in casting power.
Ok first game under the belt, against Ogres. I will submit small battle reports so you can follow the development of my Deathstar. Dices sucked big time and even though I got the spells I wanted I still felt that I lacked the instruments I wanted. I went a little overboard and tried to force through big Savage beast but didn´t succeed. I broke his gutstar but he got away despite me having swift stride and him not. So a big portion of bad luck and bad management of the magic phase earned me a 740 ish point loss. Tomorrow It´s vampires and a really tough player. Will try to squeeze In wandering deliberations.
Oh and this Is the list I used. Slann, bsb, earthing rod, Soul of stone Oldblood, Shield, Armour of destiny, Dawnstone, Pot of strength, warrior bane Scarvet, Ots, armor of fortune, Halberd Scarvet, La, T of preservation, Halberd Scarvet, gamblers armour, relic sword, shield, obsidian trinket, Ironcurse icon Skinkpriest, scroll 3*Blowpies, one with blowpipes and champion 35 Saurus, fc 29 Templeguards, fc jaguar std Bastiladon, solarengine 9 Chameleon skinks
Ok same list against a early standard vampirelist. This time I can´t blame the dice, I played bad, like really bad and got a well deserved loss with something like 1000 points. I need something to threaten from afar and Is very tempted to exchange something for wandering deliberations. Suggestions?
Try reducing your Chameleons from 9 to 6. That'll get you enough points for Wandering Deliberations and a few more to play around with. Also, it will allow you to be more risky with your Chameleons because they will be your cheapest unit.
If i did the above i would go High Magic - but it's a question of taste. I like the 9 Chamo's personally, depending on what kind of warmachines you're up against 6 or 9 is the golden nr.
The problem Is i´m a little short on points In the Lorddepartment. For now the Lords Is 621 points so something have to go from them. Btw the name of this thread Is a little stupid and It wasn´t on purpose
I have became quit fond of wandering deliberations, I will probably make one of my Scarvets bsb instead. I might swap Chameleons for Terradons but Im not sure, both units die if someone just looks at them... 3 Terradons Is a little bit cheaper than Chameleons.
You could try dropping one scar vet and adding in a couple of salamanders to thin out infantry blocks before you hit them. I would also recommend taking the Armor piercing banner on the Temple guard so they are more effective against high armor saves. The list I've been playing is here: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/2500-pts-new-book.12296/ Not quite Death Star level without at least 1 more Scar vet, but it's a competitive List, and is nearly identical to the one I used with the old book with quite a bit of success.
To be honest I don´t think that higharmour Is that a big of a problem for the Templeguards, the Oldblood do have a potion of streanth and It´s quite a lot of high strength attacks In the front rank from the heroes, the biggest problem with the deathstar Is not what It does when it gets into combat It´s getting It into combat... Sallies are really good, there´s no doubting that. I´m thinking about doing something different though and thats making one of the Scarvets a bsb and "downgrading" Chameleons to Terradons and thereby freeing up points for wandering deliberations on the Slann.
Slann, wandering deliberations, soul of stone, earthing rod Oldblood, Warrior bane, Armour of destiny, dawnstone, pot of strength, shield Scarvet bsb, talisman of preservation, halberd, la Scarvet, halberd, armor of fortune, ots Scarlet, dragonhelm, shield, la, obsidian trinket, biting blade Skinkpräst, scroll, (Beast) Core, 3*10 skinks (one with blowpipe) 35 Saurus warriors, fullcommand Templeguards, fc jaguar std Bastiladon, solar engine 3 Terradons Game today vs the same Vampireplayer. The change to wandering was a huge boon In this game, It forced him to play more offensive and he even charged my deathstar with his character bus. He actually broke me but my Bastilodon pinned him In place, he gave up In his turn five when he only had two Zombieblocks left and 12 Ghouls who were In combat with super buffed Sauruswarriors. Tonight It´s nerdy In another form, World In Flames. If you haven´t tried it I highly recommend it.
Hmm… So far I´m 2-2 with this list, I have dabbled around with the list a little. I discovered that Lords Is one point over, so thats embarrassing. I have included feather foe torc, a sometimes useful item but a little bit on the expensive side. Someone else uses it?