Has anyone magnetised Terradons and Ripperdactyls? How did you do it? How does it look? My goal is to make the flyers have a Terradon head with a Ripperdactyl tail. I can't stand the look of the Piranha style Ripperdactyl heads and the stubby tailed Terradons. This means I need to work the Terradon left and right legs into the Ripperdactyl tail and have a single point to magnetise it to the plastic flyer stand (which Rippers have). Then I fill in the bottom of the Terradon rock as it will no longer by the point of join to the flying stand, instead it should hand in front of the flying stand. As for the riders, you can make 4 Skink Riders from a single box. The Moonstone War-Spears will double as Star Strike javelins (they just look better!), these will be magnetised so they can be swapped out with the Sunleech Bolas. The other arm will always be the army holding the reins and will carry a shield (Yes I know Terradon Skink Riders do not have shields). The Alpha/Master of the Skies will be the Skink Rider with the special head (There are 2 heads and I am not sure which one to go with yet). Unforunately he wont have a shield (wish he did) in one army but the other arm he could hold a Sunleech Bolas, Moonstone War-Spear/Star Strike Javelin or he could hold a magnetised Skyblade (Is this meant to be the Axe in the kit? That's not a blade! Does anyone even use this option in game?!) Thoughts? I like to have options even if I don't use them. I find it fun and reassuring that if I wanted to... I could!
Sounds like an interesting plan, I have seen them magnetized, but not the way you want to go, but I could see that working, just some careful cutting. The sky blade should be a curved knife thing, not the axe.
Harder than I thought. My Rippers are already put together so there is some work to get bits unglued without breaking everything... I wonder if it would look silly keeping the Ripper Feet but connecting the ball and 2 chains to the fleshy part of the Ripper tail? I actually like the Ripper feet with the big claws. Thematically though, how would a Ripper drop a ball chained to its tail!? Sort of doesn't make sense does it?
The skink would have to actively release the ball on the tail, so jist make that part work, maybe some bolt cutters! Or rope and a dagger.
Skink with Magnetised War Spear https://www.instagram.com/p/BUMMiQhh5Wu/?taken-by=msinosic Skink with Magnetised Sunleech Bolas https://www.instagram.com/p/BUMNxSPBDko/?taken-by=msinosic The size of these magnets (2mmx1mm) work out nicely, perfect bracelet size! The Ripper heads have been removed and the Terradon heads are almost ready to be put in their place. They don't fit perfectly flush yet. The Ball/Rocks... where to put them? how to put them? nothing seems to be appealing to me but not having them and calling these guys Terradons feels wrong even though the skink on top will be correctly equipped.