AoS Magnets for transporting

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Klap, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Klap

    Klap Member

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    Hi all,

    I’m getting to a point where my army is out growing its current case. I’m looking to magnetise the bases of my army and get a box and put a sheet of metal in the bottom.

    This will mostly be used to transport my larger monsters initially but if it work out well I might do the same with the whole army.

    With not having done this before would anyone be able to advise the best dimensions of the magnets that they use on their bases to transport there models?

    Thanks in advance.
    Warden likes this.
  2. Kelvin Ling
    Jungle Swarm

    Kelvin Ling New Member

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    Just to share my experience with Neodymium magnets (I have never tried the ferrite magnets) and some problems i have faced so far.

    The magnets size which i use are as follows:-

    Standard Black Bases
    1. 25mm bases : one (1) piece of 3~4mm(Width) by 3mm Neodymium(Thickness) Magnets
    2. 32mm & 60mm bases : one (1) piece of 4~5mm(Width) by 3mm(Thickness) Neodymium Magnets
    3. For larger bases like the monsters i use two to three (2~3) pieces of 5mm(width) by 3mm(thickness) magnets at the longer edges
    For easy to built models it is a bit tricky, as the inner depth of the model varies quite abit, you just have to use what fits best,

    In general try not to exceed 3mm thickness or 5mm diameter as it will be difficult to remove unless u can slide it off the steel sheet.

    The next issue that i have face is that Cyanoaclate glue is in sufficient to hold the magnet to the base, instead i use Elmer Advance Probond, which take about 2-3 hours to harden and up to 12 hours to fully cure but it is good enough , the other i have used is a two part epoxy glue which is also does the job better but has a longer curing time.
    Warden and A_Reptile_Dysfunction like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Wow those are huge magnets!
    How do you not break apart your models when removing them from the surface?

    My buddy uses neodymium magnets that aren't even half that size.
    Warden likes this.
  4. Kelvin Ling
    Jungle Swarm

    Kelvin Ling New Member

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    I just slide them off the sheet, the only time they broke off was when i use CA glue to attach the magnet to the base.

    Another player in my area, uses 3mm(width) by 1mm(thick) magnets which serves him just fine. I prefer my model to be well attached to the sheets, as i drive long distance to my nearest game store.
    Warden likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ah OK so your sheet allows sliding off.
    That's the difference to my buddy's, which has a rim.

    IIRC he uses 2mm diameter, 1mm thickness magnets for his 25mm based models.
    Warden likes this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have been using small magnets for my samurai basing project, mostly to allow me to swap between square and round bases.

    I cut small pieces of metal onto each base first:

    warden201807_samurai progress 4 magentic bases.jpg

    And then drill a tiny magnet into each base:

    warden201807_samurai progress 5 magentic bases.jpg
    Each fig is attached to one of the tiny metal "plates," and when I have a magnet in each spot on either round of square bases it allows them to be interchangeable.

    warden201807_samurai progress 6 magentic bases.jpg

    Round bases:

    warden201807_samurai progress 7.jpg
    Square basing WIP:

    warden201808_samurai ashigaru_ukita 2.jpg

    On their square bases:

    warden201809_ashigaru pikes complete_05 ukita.jpg

    Link to the rest of my photos

    I think tiny magnets in the base will work; these are rated at "power ten" whatever that means, and can be found in most hobby/craft stores. I bought mine in Hobby Lobby, but are also available in AC Moore/Michaels in the states.

    I have tried putting these guys in a metal toolbox and it works great for transport too if that is how you want to move them around.
    Aginor likes this.
  7. MackiMac

    MackiMac Well-Known Member

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    I use 5x2mm magnets for everything and it works perfecly. They are a tiny bit to strong for the skinks though, so I would recommend smaller ones for them
    Warden likes this.
  8. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Skinks go perfectly into regular foam cases, so not sure why you would want to magnetize them. For monsters and flyers (and super spiky Tyranids) I got a sheet of metal in a rectengular shopping basket with closeable lid.

    - you got two things to carry

    - each container is light
    - cheap
    - extremely flexible
    - well enough protected
    Warden likes this.

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