Hey Guys, For those of us who are strapped for cash & starting out (or just love conversions) I have been playing with the idea of making a full 1000 point army out of the Seraphon START collecting box. In the box you get 1x Carnosaur kit 12 x foot saurus 8 Cold ones & riders The list I want to run with is Saurus eternity Warden - 140 Saurus Oldblood - 100 Saurus Sunblood - 120 10 saurus guard - 200 5 Saurus Guard - 120 1 troglodon - 200 2 Razordon - 120 Total 1000 The idea is to use the carnosaur kit to build as a Troglodon The saurus from the kit will be the sunblood, the other character saurus head from the kit will be used to make the eternity warden. This leaves 11 saurus to have extra its added to them to let them be built as saurus guard (I was thinking of pinning the weapons on poles or gluing spikes & extras to them) 5 standard knights will be built then I will be using two of the cold ones and a bit of greenstuff & spikes to make DIY razordons. Just food for thought, I am picking the box up tomorrow and will probably be putting up an imgrur thread about this when it has been done.
Sounds like a fantastic project! I want pics! Work in progress, completed whatever, these conversions sound amazing!
Thanks mate! grabbing the box tonight 7 will probably put up pictures tomorrow. Off reddit a discussion I had mentioned competitive & alternatives the idea for this army is more to get an army out of a starter box and to get something I can train/play with. There is a comp I am going to but I am expecting to lose everything which is fine. The other idea i had was to have Scar vet on carnosaur Saurus sunblood Saurus scarvet on cold one oldblood 10 man saurus unit 5 man knights unit 2 razordons Thoughts? Is this a better/more competative list?
@Skinquisitor made a pretty great trogolodon conversion from the carnosaur sprue. Actually manages to give you both monsters from the box! Might help in stretching your cash just a bit further. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/troglodon-conversion.14723/
Spess! that is fantastic!! Thank you so much for showing me! I was actually keeping the trog bits because I want to make a floating/aquatic seraphon army and the trog was going to become a mosasaur. But for now this is just a quick list exploration