8th Ed. Making an army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Trexler, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Trexler

    Trexler Member

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    i would like to create an army that is not big on magic and uses no Slann. i would like this army to end the game quick by over running and overwhelming the enemy. if you could help me with a list of units that can achieve this goal i would be greatly appreciated.
  2. MHK Pathfinder
    Cold One

    MHK Pathfinder Member

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    Well unfortunately, there's no magic button we can push to overwhelm opponents and curb-stomping them into the ground. That's more dependent on the tactics you use and the luck of your rolls.

    That said, it's perfectly possible to build hard hitting low-magic lists that would be a lot of fun to play.

    A mix of Skrox units, Saurus Warriors, Cold One Riders, and Stegadons will give you a hard hitting list with some good movement/overrun opportunities. Headed up by Oldbloods or Scar-vet Cowboys will give you high-leadership heroes that can get in the fight.

    I played a small 800 pt tournament a few months ago, and decided to go with a no magic list. I stuck to a block of saurus warriors, a skrox unit, a scar-vet cowboy, cold one riders, and a unit of chamo skinks. It worked well for me (except vs DE, but that was more my fault tactically than anything).
  3. Trexler

    Trexler Member

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    thank you for that helpful tip....i plan to use Stegadon and Terradon/Ripperdactyl Riders..i think they will work will in an army together

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